I think Blizzard has just repaired 'Overwatch & # 39; – BGR


Overwatch is doing remarkably well for a two-year multiplayer game that relies on civilians to online strangers. He recently touched 40 million users, new cards and new heroes are coming out of Blizzard studios at no extra charge, and the professional level of Overwatch League is starting to find his legs.

But at the occasional level, there are persistent problems that have existed from the beginning and have nothing to do with mechanical gameplay. Overwatch Count on a balanced team composition for the game to work well, but getting this configuration 2/2/2 sacred with a group of strangers has been a problem since the game's launch. In the last update day, however, Blizzard has rolled out a whole new way to find teams and find games that could solve any problem.

The biggest novelty of a huge patch that was launched this afternoon is called Looking for Group. That's exactly what it looks like: a browser where you can find a group to play fast or competitive game before queuing for games. More importantly, it also allows groups to come together based on the role that each person wants to play, and once you enter the game, it blocks players in those roles. If you sign up to play the healer, you can switch from one healer to another, but you can not jump to DPS or tank.

It's a seismic change in the way people play Overwatch. Often, players have a "main" hero in each category, and people will flex between different roles in the middle of a game to find a strategy that works. With role restrictions, this is no longer possible; If you need a Moira to counter someone, but no one who plays the healer can play it well, you're out of luck.

But on the other hand, you can be sure that you are going to have an adequate team, and based on my incredibly limited experience with Looking For Group up to now, the people who are bothering to line up for a team are much more willing to play properly, communicate, and generally do all the things that make Overwatch fun.

The full release notes – which include massive changes like a complete Symmetra review and major changes to Horizon Lunar Colony – are below.


Recognize the positivity of your Overwatch colleagues with recommendations! Recognize praiseworthy behavior for players who are sporty, who are good teammates or who are called to shoot. Praise the players who lead you to victory, put the needs of the team above theirs, or show humility in victory or grace in defeat. Riders are easily available for display in career profiles, the Groups menu, etc., so you can see at a glance the types of players you play with. Those who consistently maintain a high level of endorsement will receive periodic rewards, while those who display negative behavior or accumulate suspensions will lose their endorsements.

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