"If players do not buy loot boxes, they will not be added to games"


far cry 3
(Photo: Ubisoft)

In the latest development of the bootleg saga underway in the video game industry, people are furious with Ubsioft for his unofficial stance on the controversial monetization method.

This week, the news of Ubisoft's upcoming 2.5D racing multiplayer game, Tests up, will have loot boxes – like a lot of Ubisoft games – broken, and some players were unsurprisingly not very happy with the news.

In a thread on Steam, several PC players from the gaming community got together to talk about the confirmation, as well as for slam Ubisoft and the game for the news.

If you browse the thread for yourself, you will see all types of reactions. Some people point out that chests contain only cosmetic items, which means that their impact is minimal and that interactions are neither necessary nor even encouraged. Meanwhile, others were downright livid. Some are even unpleasant.

At the beginning of the discussion, a Ubisoft developer announced to everyone that the team would be warned of the concern about "Gear Crates". A nice friendly response from public relations. But this was followed by another Ubisoft developer who represented the "Ubisoft Support". And their response was more honest and appealing, and therefore less supportive of public relations, and naturally did not lessen the concerns it was trying to solve.

"As it has been pointed out, these booty boxes are purely cosmetic," writes the Ubisoft developer. "I really appreciate why players feel what they feel about them (this is not a big fan myself), however, as this has also been pointed out, you can still not not buy them. "

The developer continued:

"In the end, they are for players who want to stand out from the competition by playing online, or even those who are big fans of the game and want to support us more.

"Yes, this means that some players spend more on our games than others, which translates into increased profits for us, and it also helps us to invest more money in new titles and more money. to understand what players are looking for in their games If players simply have not bought these crates, they will not be added to games in the future. "

The developer concludes by pointing out that the loot boxes "are not bad if they are well done", suggesting their implementation in Tests up does not go beyond the limits, unlike some other versions of recent years.

Wherever you find loot boxes and their persistent prevalence, it's a shame to see developers expressing themselves about them, especially when it comes to loot boxes reserved for only products. cosmetics. This was not Ubisoft's most fluid public relations job, but some of the threads' responses are exaggerated, but you have to wait for them when loot boxes are in the mail. 39, agenda.

Tests up The world release is scheduled for February 12, 2019 on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC.

Thank you, GameWatcher.

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