If you hate that Note 9 reuses the design of Note 8, then you hurt smartphones – BGR


We tell you for the better part of the year that the Galaxy Note 9 will look almost exactly like the Galaxy Note 8, since Samsung's strategy this year for its flagship phones is to recycle and refine design while making various hardware improvements. Then the first leaks and first renderings began to surface, including the image leaked from yesterday (see below), showing us a Galaxy Note 9 phone that almost looks like Note 8. [19659002] But there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. And if you are about to ignore a phone like the Galaxy Note 9 just because it looks like the model from last year, then you are probably turning out smartphones.

Smartphones have found their way right now unique designs. In fact, the design alone should not even be as important as each new flagship is so much better than its direct predecessor.

Tiny computers featuring a pretty meaningful rectangle display with almost no edge are the norm at the moment. Some have notches, others have curved screens, and some are trying so hard not to copy the iPhone which is almost comical. The point is, buying your next expensive phone should not go down alone.

After all, your TV looks a lot like the model that it has replaced, but it can have smaller glasses and smarter features. Your laptop of choice looks a lot like the old one but – and you probably see where I'm going with that – it has a smaller bezel and better specifications. Do you want to make cars soon?

Image Source: AndroidHeadlines

The bottom line is that you should not treat your smartphone differently even if you are used to it. diversity of Android. Because let's face it, that's probably why Note 9 may seem boring compared to Note 8. If you're a long-time Android user, you're probably drawn to being at the # 8 39, look for novelties, design included. That's Samsung had to learn the hard way. Comparatively, iPhone users have a habit of seeing Apple recycle and tweak the good designs for years.

Again, we have reached a peak of smartphone design, and until better things happen, like combined all-screen designs, we are required to see more copycats of the best phone designs available there. The Galaxy S / Note is one of them.

Speaking of the diversity of smartphones on Android right now, the fact that most of them are iPhone X clones should not escape you. Samsung has decided not to copy the design of the iPhone X like all other Android vendors in town, and it's a good thing to say about this loyal follower of Apple.

On this note, iPhone X clone designs should not be ignored. design. I've often taken a stand on blatant clones because Android device manufacturers generally claim that they have not copied Apple, not because they're bad phones.

As for the Galaxy Note 9, it ignores Samsung's next flagship product

The phone will be better in every way than the Galaxy Note 8. It's the S generation of the Note 8 if you want, a device that will contain better internal components, including the processor and the camera, and better overall performance. It also comes with Android Oreo out of the box, which is a plus. To put it in simpler terms, the Note 9 is a nearly perfect 8 Note clone when it comes to design and a Galaxy S9 + clone almost perfect when it comes to specifications. Add an even bigger screen and a new S Pen Pen, and you end up with one of the best phones of the year.

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