Inaugural Magic Leap Conference Shows There Is Still A Lot To Do


Of course, it is understandable for a rally of early adopters to be as enthusiastic. "The possibilities are almost limitless," said Nicholas Loomis, marketing manager of Exokit, a VR / AR web browser aimed at mixed reality experiences. He told me that he was spending a lot of time with the LeapCon creators community and that he was inspired by the beginning of a new era of computer science. "It affects all sectors," he said. "It will be Internet 2.0 Instead of virtual reality, where you enter a world, it brings up the virtual world."

"It's a superposition above reality and allows us to optimize our lives," he said. "We are moving towards humans as computing devices."

Magic Leap "data-caption =" LeapCon attendees gather around the movie Fact or Fantasy from Air New Zealand "data-credit =" Nicole Lee / Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data- data-media-id = "fe4a4b82-ceb3-3209-ab98-866263223c28" data-original-url = "https: // o / images / dims? resize = 2000% 2C2000% 2Cshrink & image_uri = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fcreatr-upload-images-% 2F2018-10% 2Ff5dbf520-ce87-11e8 14cc8acbb5170596e84227de160b5e0b2e782463 "data- title = "Magic Leap" src = " 2Fcreatr-uploaded-images% 2F2018-10% 2Ff5dbf520-ce87-11e8-b57cc0fb14b75 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 14cc8acbb55b5170596e84227see</p>
<p>The designers I spoke to were excited about creating a new medium. "As a designer, I'm used to designing for screens," said Robin Hunicke, CEO and co-founder of Funomena, a VR / AR gaming studio in San Francisco. "When I develop a 3D image and project it on a 2D screen, I'm really good at it and I'm used to it." But VR and AR are different animals. In particular, RA means losing control because you do not know what a person's living room will look like. "I have to influence you so that your body moves physically, to create a certain feeling in you, I can modulate the way you move and experience things."</p>
<p>Omar Khan, Director of Magic Leap Products, tells me that the response to LeapCon has been overwhelming. The company received more demos than it could have contained at the conference venue. "This is LeapCon," he said. "It's only the beginning – there are so many more experiences – not just demos, but complete applications to come."</p>
<p>Khan was taking part in a three hour keynote speech during which the company made several announcements: headset availability nationwide starting next October, collaboration with key developers such as ILMxLAB and Weta. Workshop and the possibility to support two controllers. Although the speech was long, there was no live demonstration of the headset on stage, which is unusual, especially for an inaugural developer conference. Even though Magic Leap is aware that the headset is more experienced in person than in a live demo, there had to be a way to show what it could do on stage.</p>
<p style=LeapCon "data-caption =" LeapCon "data-credit =" Nicole Lee / Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" "data-local-id =" local-1-82073- 1539405410023 "data-media-id =" 49694212-de80-3cc1-ae27-17a359a0bdbe "data-original-url =" https% 3A% 2F% 2FA = " 2Fcreatr-uploaded-images% 2F2018-10% 2F856bc850-cea1-11e8-b9bf-46d7f25a6f84 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 233f182d3e160d5543d1f6c7ba3926296e6ce66 "/></p>
<p>It seems that LeapCon focuses on software rather than hardware. Since the platform desperately needs content, it's not a bad starting point. When I asked Khan what kind of applications would suit Magic Leap and space computing, he simply replied: everything.</p>
<p>"If you think about it, everything in the world is spatial.When we design, we design with our hands.When we talk, we talk to each other," he said. Nevertheless, he added that the best application for something like space computing is to make us more present with each other. "Digital tools such as our phones have brought us closer, but they have also prevented us from being present." One of the attributes of space computing is that we know one another. My face is not in my phone. "</p>
<p>"Communications and collaborations will be among the first applications because they are naturally spatial," said Khan. Wacom, for example, has unveiled a partnership in which you can collaborate on a project with a real Wacom pen, drawing on a virtual space. Magic Leap has also introduced Avatar Chat, a multi-user chat room application where you can hang out with friends and family via comic-friendly avatars. The idea is similar to Facebook spaces, but Khan said it would be in the real world, which would give it a more "present" and more realistic look.</p>
<p style=Magic Leap "data-caption =" Magic Leap "data-credit =" Nicole Lee / Engadget "data-mep =" 2999866 "src =" The class is filling up with bricks</p>
<p>Another potentially useful application is a CGI-like character called Mica, created by the Magic Leap team as proof of concept for what PDAs might look like in augmented reality. Unlike other virtual characters, it could make you look, squint and make you feel like you're listening.</p>
<p>Karen Harris, General Manager of Innovative Technologies for Intu, a franchise of shopping malls in the UK, said the same idea would make an excellent personal assistant in malls. "Imagine if she could know your likes and dislikes on the basis of a Facebook profile, and choose the perfect gift for you," Harris said. "It's the future of shopping."</p>
<p>Yet even Magic Leap seems to be aware that a new medium like augmented reality needs to be approached with caution. In the aforementioned keynote address, Hunicke stated that it was important for creators to ask themselves what their biases are and how it might affect their creations.</p>
<p style=Magic Leap "data-caption =" Magic Leap "data-credit =" Nicole Lee / Engadget "data-credit-link-back =" "data-dam-provider =" "data-local-id =" local-3- 2314869-1539394604042 "data-media-id =" 84d74c01-6016-3030-80c7-2912fb8dfae6 "data-original-url =" https% 3Atr 2F% 2F% 2F5f842510-2F5F842510-2F5F842510-2F5F842510-2F5F842510-2F5F842510-2F5F842510-2B5f842510-2B5f842510-2B5-8-82510-8-8-8-8-7-8-8-8-8-8 -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8- en Leap "src =" https: // -images% 2F2018-10% 2F5f842510-ce88-11e8-a3fb-1096945054c6 & customer = a1acac3e1b3290917d92 & signature = 5043dac7a6ebea86f457c88b569302d88a581cb5 "/></p>
<p>"When you look at Magic Leap and see its potential to really transform reality, to give a new dimension to reality, it's very important to think about what you're trying to say to the public," she told Engadget. . "How you see the world will affect how you define it For this first class of Leapers, it's important to ask yourself these questions now." For example, she said, when the film was invented for the first time, it did not capture very well the dark skin tones, which reflected the bias of the time. Now, with something like Magic Leap that can literally act as a filter on your real world, she said that it was important to think about the inclusion and diversity of perspectives from the beginning.</p>
<p>"It could be a unifying force," she said. "It could help us learn to see each other more clearly, and it could be a really exciting opportunity."</p>
<p>Even though developers and designers tell me that the possibilities of applications are endless, I still can not help but focus on the here and now. For the moment, the headset is not really ready for the public. The field of vision, although wider and higher than that of Microsoft Hololens, remains limited – playing <i>angry Birds</i> or Star Wars <i>PORGS</i>I still had to move my head up and down, from left to right to get a complete picture of my surroundings. The Lightpack, which houses the computer's headset, must be carried separately in the pocket or in a shoulder strap, which has a little embarrassed. All this could be good for developers and early users, but I do not think it's very user-friendly. Sound skepticism seems more appropriate.</p>
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