Instagram Lite launches on Google Play, offers a lighter option



Instagram Lite appeared on the Google Play Store on Wednesday.

Instagram / Screen capture by CNET

Instagram Lite launched on the Google Play Store without announcement Wednesday, offering users a reduced version of the photosharing application.

The Lite app is just 573KB, compared to the usual 32 MB of Instagram.

Users can post photos, add filters, view stories, and use the Explorer tab. The ability to send messages to friends and share videos will be added later, says the description of the Google Play store.

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"We are testing a new version of Instagram for Android that takes up less space on your device, uses less data and starts up faster," said a spokesman. Instagram in a statement.

Lite version started in Mexico this week, and the company hopes to bring it to more countries later this year.

The application seems geared towards emerging markets, where Internet connections are often slower.

On Tuesday, Instagram was estimated at more than $ 100 billion and is expected to exceed 2 billion monthly users in the next five years. The company has also launched its own four-way video chat that allows users to browse Instagram while they're talking.

First published on June 28 at 14:54. PT
Updated at 9:18 PT: Addition of an Instagram statement.

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