Instagram will send a pop-up on opioid addiction support if you are looking for some hashtags


Instagram says that people use the platform's hashtags to find support for addictions and communities, as well as illegal drugs. So, in response, the company is now deploying a pop-up that will provide users with addiction resources if they are looking for certain hashtags, such as "opioid." The pop-up window reads as follows:

"If you or someone you know is fighting opioid or substance abuse, find ways to get free and confidential treatment recommendations, as well as information on addictions, prevention and recovery."

The user can then choose to get support resources developed by Instagram with the Addiction and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Addiction and the Partnership for Children Without Drugs. There will also be tips for family and friends of people with addiction issues.

Instagram claims that while many people use these drug-related hashtags to find support communities, others use them to sell drugs. In some cases, Instagram has blocked or limited these hashtags, but this prevents helpful support communities from forming, says the company.

There are already similar resources built into Facebook. If users are looking for certain drug-related topics, such as "buy Xanax", they will receive a support box similar to that of Instagram. The company is also blocking some research to stop drug traffickers from reaching people.

This new Instagram pop-up tries to solve some issues related to the platform's drugs, even though it does not deal with actual substance sales. This gives users at least a place to go if they are looking for help.

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