iOS 12.1 Expands Battery Performance Management Feature to iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X


Apple released Tuesday iOS 12.1 after six weeks of beta testing. As noted in the release notes, the software update extends Apple's performance management functionality to iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X.

From the release notes:

Adds a performance management feature to prevent the device from shutting down unexpectedly, including the ability to disable this feature if an unexpected shutdown occurs, for iPhone X, iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 More.

Apple has reflected this change on its iPhone Battery and Performance website, noting that performance management "may be less visible" on these iPhone models because of "their more advanced hardware and software design".

The performance management system was first enabled in iOS 10.2.1, but was limited to iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, and iPhone 6. iPhone 7 In addition, until yesterday version of iOS 12.1.

Last December, Apple mentioned that the design of the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 In addition, iPhone X allows a "different" performance management system that "more precisely" prevents unexpected shutdowns, but before iOS 12.1, no performance management feature of this type was enabled on the trio of iPhones:

iPhone 8 and later, use a more advanced hardware and software design that provides a more accurate estimate of power requirements and battery capacity to optimize overall system performance. This allows a different performance management system that specifically allows iOS to anticipate and avoid an unexpected shutdown. As a result, the impacts of performance management may be less noticeable on iPhone 8 and then. Over time, the rechargeable batteries of all iPhone models will decrease in capacity and peak performance and may need to be replaced.

Why does Apple slow down some models of iPhone if necessary?

Excerpt from our January 2018 article What you need to know about the slowdown of iPhones by Apple to avoid unexpected shutdowns:

IPhones, like many other consumer electronics, are powered by lithium-ion batteries, whose life is limited. As your iPhone's battery gets older, its ability to hold a charge slowly decreases.

A chemically aging battery may also have increased impedance, which reduces its ability to provide a sudden surge when other components of an iPhone, such as the processor and graphics processor, require it. The impedance of a battery will also increase temporarily when it is charged and / or in cold weather.

A battery with a sufficiently high impedance may not be able to power the iPhone fast enough when needed, and Apple protects the components against voltage drop by shutting down the device.

Apple acknowledged that closing unexpectedly iPhone users was not a good experience and that from iOS 10.2.1, it has quietly implemented a management feature of the iPhone. feeding to prevent these stops. The update was released in January 2017 and a month later Apple announced a significant reduction in shutdowns.

The Performance Management feature can be turned off if you want in the Settings app on the Battery Status menu, which is also a new feature. iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X in iOS 12.1. To date, the feature does not seem to extend to the new iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max or iPhone XR.

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