iOS 12 Police Stops Unlocking Your iPhone


The GrayKey device is being used by a growing number of law enforcement agencies to unlock iPhones, but it is unlikely to be a permanent block, though.

iPhone XS Max

Apple is constantly working to improve security and protect our data. This is a new way of getting encryption and a shift from simple passcodes to fingerprint and most recent facial recognition on its smartphones. The security measures are so good, seizing police an iPhone.

There is one thorn in Apple's side when it comes to security, though, and that's the Grayshift company. Founded in 2016, it provides law enforcement agencies around the world an iPhone unlocking device called GrayKey. It works, or at least it did not, and has won Grayshift many customers. However, that all changed with iOS 12.

Forbes reports, with the release of iOS 12, Apple finally managed to stop GrayKey from working. It has been confirmed that any iPhone running iOS 12 can no longer be unlocked using a GrayKey device. The details of how Apple is operating in a secure, secure and secure way. Clearly, Grayshift's system.

For consumers, it's a clear reminder that they should keep their mobile devices up-to-date. Upgrading to iOS 12 will better protect your device. But for how long?

Hardware security has always been a cat and mouse game. Where one security hole is finally found and exploited. It could be months before GrayKey starts working again, or it could be days. iPhones are very secure devices, but they are not exactly secure, no hardware is.

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