iOS 12 Speed ​​Test – CNET


The iOS beta has a cargo of features to catch your eye: Memoji, FaceTime group calls and enhanced notifications.

But one of the most significant changes is the performance gains under the hood, especially for older devices like the iPhone 5S.

Apple made grand statements at the keynote of the WWDC at the unveiling of iOS 12. Using the example of an iPhone 6 Plus:

  • Launch of applications up to 40% faster
  • The keyboard increases by 50%
  • The slide to take a photo is 70% faster

On paper, they seem to be great improvements. But the iPhone 6 Plus is not even the oldest device that can run on iOS 12. It's the iPhone 5S.

So, to see how the new iOS runs on the oldest phone, we took two models iPhone 5S 16GB and reset them to the factory. Then we reproduced some examples of the keynote. The one was running iOS 12 public beta and the other on iOS 11.4

We do not claim that it is a scientific test, but d & # 39; an anecdotal account of the speed with which the operating system worked during real tasks. Keep in mind that iOS 12 is still in public beta and performance may change between now and the final version in the fall

Current Reading:
Watch this:

iOS 12 beta speed test: how fast on older phones?


Here's how the public beta of iOS 12 has behaved – watch the video above to see what it looks like in real time

iOS 12 speed test beta

Task Is iOS 12 faster?
Launching Mail 0.25 second
Launch of Safari (full load of 3.5 seconds
Launch of cards Same
Drag to take a picture from the lock screen 0.5 second
The keyboard appears (in messages) 1 second
The sharing sheet arrives (in Safari) 1 second
Siri completing a request 0.5 second

The launch of apps like Safari and Mail was noticeably faster in the iOS 12 beta, but the difference in others, including Weather and Maps was at hardly visible.

Apple's statement during the keynote was that the spreadsheet is twice as fast when the system is under load. We found that the spreadsheet was much faster than on iOS 11, even though no other application was open. However, this result was not always consistent – after performing it several times in a row, iOS 11.4 mostly caught up to the beta.

The startup was the category where the iOS 12 beta was clearly behind schedule. iOS 11.4 loaded a lot faster and was ready to go 9 seconds before iOS 12.

Stay tuned for the official performance tests once the final version of iOS 12.

iOS 12 beta : Release date, hidden features and many more.

How to get iOS 12 right now : Apple is ready for your comments.

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