iPad Pro: Writing and real work on a LTE-compatible computer


At about 336 hours of Mac, I'm almost about to not look back. Although the operation of the iPad Pro has some minor drawbacks, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Here is what it does to do a real job – in my case, write – with iPad Pro daily for two consecutive weeks …

As many technical influencers have expressed in recent weeks, the iPad Pro seems to be one of the best tools available to advance the work. Whether you're uploading videos to YouTube for a living or putting words on the screen, iPad Pro has proven to be the perfect tool for many.

However, that does not mean it's the right tool for Everybody. It's been almost two weeks since the unpacking is over, and here's what I learned …

Integrated LTE is fantastic

Some will say that having LTE on a tablet is silly because you can still connect an iPhone to your iPad and have data. However, nothing beats having a device that is always connected and does not need snafu every time you want to connect to the internet. Even at home, when Wi-Fi becomes slightly flaky, it's as easy to get back online as turning off Wi-Fi.

For me, having an integrated cellular radio is an absolute game changer, because I can be a lot more mobile when I work and I can practically work from anywhere and I do not have to go anywhere. worry about connecting to someone else's Wi-Fi network or waiting to see if a modem will be connected. job. The places where I can work are virtually unlimited – provided the cellular reception is solid.

With this generation of iPad Pro, you get an integrated eSIM similar to that used by iPhone XS and iPhone XR. This means that your main SIM card can be an electronic SIM card and have a free physical SIM card on the go.

Height and weight

One of the biggest inconveniences of the previous generation of the 12.9-inch iPad Pro was the weight and size. The older 12.9-inch iPad Pro were too big and bulky, although they were much lighter than a 15-inch MacBook Pro. This is in addition to the addition of a smart keyboard. The last iPad that I owned was the first generation 12.9-inch iPad Pro, which I returned less than a week because of its clutter.

With the third generation 12.9 – inch iPad Pro, I first thought the same thing. Maybe his placebo or I get used to it, but after two weeks, height and weight have become second nature. I'm not afraid of the eyes with the 11-inch iPad Pro, because it feels small compared to me. I also had no problem carrying the biggest model in my bag or in my hands.

Apps and navigation in iOS

One of the main challenges when I use my iPad for business purposes is to find the right apps for everything to be done. With 9to5Mac running, I must have Slack in the foreground during working hours. I also have the 9to5Mac web portal, which runs in Safari, when I work on shorter articles, such as daily news or how-to guides. If you are interested, you can learn more about my writing process here.

After all is written. I'll go to Pixelmator to quickly import a header image, crop it and resize it to the appropriate size for the 9to5Mac theme. Rinse and repeat for all the pictures I would like to add to a message. I will then export it to Photos and upload it to our backend.

The size of 12.9 inches is absolutely essential to my workflow, as the smaller 11-inch floating applications often overlap one of the two applications in split view. Although it is not terrible it means that I have to move the floating window back and forth.

Needless to say, floating applications are essential to my workflow.

However, not everything is a rainbow and a unicorn. Thanks to the way iOS is designed for iPhone and iPad, it focuses on application experiences rather than the Web. This means that, for example, if you tap an App Store link, you will be returned to the App Store. For the App Store, it's currently not possible to copy text from a description, an App Store story, or an application changelog. And it's absolutely infuriating. The App Store is not the only place where this happens. This also occurs with several other applications.

Copying and pasting, while nice to do, is currently one of the biggest headaches when working with iPad Pro. Copying an App Store link with the native Copy a Share Sheet function copies the name of the application before copying the link. My current solution is to use the share action of the Messages page, to delete the name of the application, and then to copy the URL of the application into the message composition window . This is one of the few annoyances with the way iOS handles copy and paste.

One thing that Apple has absolutely nailed is the implementation of the dock and the ability to quickly extract applications in Slide Over and Split View. Applications that are not in the dock can be activated using Spotlight Search, which can be activated via a keyboard shortcut + space. Unfortunately, from what I can see, you can not access Spotlight Search without using an external keyboard.

Is this a worthy computer replacement?

To conclude, I will have to answer my initial question: Can it replace your computer? In the end, I think the iPad Pro will replace enough of the users enough. There may be some extreme cases here and there, but for the majority of users, this could easily be your next computer, as Apple says.

The message is loud and clear: the iPad is the future of computing. The hardware is there, the software is 80%. As mentioned in episode 199 of Happy Hour, Apple needs to create more "Mac-ify" iPad applications, rather than transfer them to a Mac. The operating system is in many ways an exploded iPhone interface. As soon as Apple stops processing the iPad as such, third-party developers will cease to treat it as such. Applications will begin to take advantage of the larger screen, Safari websites will stop serving mobile sites, etc.

Although I do not think I wear a mobile The iPad Finder version is a good choice. I agree that it requires basic file system management, at least allowing applications to rename or save documents and files to disk, as well as support for flash or external drives. It does not have to be full access to the file system.

Apple also needs an option to disable the "Open in the app" feature. For example, opening an Amazon or App Store link should not trigger their respective apps if you do not want it. Again, the iPad runs under an inflated iPhone OS rather than having a "tabletOS".

For me, the iPad has replaced my MacBook Pro for 99% of my tasks. iPad has been a pleasure to use and surprises me every day that passes with what is accomplished, and how others do a "real" job.

And yes, I wrote all this piece on iPad Pro. And before I forget, iPad Pro is also an incredible consumer device, in case you forget it!

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