IPhone tip: quickly find apps that catch your eye


Folders are a great way to organize apps in iOS, but their use has drawbacks. And the downside is that it can be difficult to know which app or apps are trying to grab your attention with a badge.

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If you are an iOS user, you are familiar with the situation. An app asks for your attention and, in addition to regurgitating a notification, it also beautifies the app's icon with a badge.

IOS badges are easy to spot if the icon is not in a folder

IOS badges are easy to spot if the icon is not in a folder

But what happens if the icon is in a folder?

IOS badges for applications in folders, on the other hand, can be hard to find

IOS badges for applications in folders, on the other hand, can be hard to find

Now, unless it's on the screen before, you will have to scroll down to find the application that needs your attention. Well, unless you use this trick.

The trick is simple. Just use the 3D Touch function to force the folder (that is, press it firmly) until a pop-up menu appears. And this pop-up will show you the apps that need your attention and give you a shortcut to access them.

Using 3D Touch to search for applications in folders associated with badges

Using 3D Touch to search for applications in folders associated with badges

I think it's a real time saver and I'm using more files now than I've discovered.

Note: 3D Touch is available on iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max, but not on the iPhone XR.

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