IPhone XR users will be able to take portraits of their pets using third-party apps.


The iPhone XR officially released last week and one of the main flaws of this device compared to other 2018 models of Apple is the camera. The XR has only one main camera, unlike the iPhone XS and XS Max, which have two sensors at the back. One of the main advantages of the dual camera configuration is the best depth of field recognition, which allows users to create stunning images using the dedicated portrait mode.

Of course, smartphones nowadays allow to separate the foreground from the background of an image with the help of software. Google's Pixel phones have been delivering great photos with just one camera for three generations. And although the iPhone XR's portrait mode is also available, it was soon discovered that it only works when the phone detects someone's face in the viewfinder.

However, this will soon change, but not because Apple plans to release an update allowing the XR to detect other objects in portrait mode. Instead, third-party camera application developers are looking for ways to add this feature. The first to do this seems to be the team behind the camera Halide application. One of the developers explained on the Reddit social media site that they had managed to access the depth-of-field data of the iPhone XR and use it to apply the portrait mode effect (blurred background) to the photos. of domestic animals.

The creator of the application notes that "in some settings it will not work if there is not enough variance in the relative distance of the objects" and that "the depth map has a much lower resolution than the two-camera configuration, but it seems usable. " The new feature is still in its infancy because it only has access to the device for a few days, but the team hopes to improve it over time, allowing it to recognize even inanimate objects .

The availability of depth-of-field data means that other camera application developers will quickly add their own solutions in "non-human" portrait mode. Mr. Fluffles's Instagram page will not be too long below normal, if you have "Just" an iPhone XR.

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