iPhone XS: Is this new selfie the Bendgate version of the iPhone XS?


Aadvanced algorithms, depth control and faster sensors. In the language of geeky gadgets, Apple has described the new cameras for iPhone XS and XS Max as miracle tools that will "turn your photos into developers."

The features of the camera have made the headline of Apple's strategy to promote phones. But last week, as the XS made its way to the fans, critics began to emerge that the front cameras were taking hyper-aerographed selfies. Users described the photos as "tampered with" or resembling a "porcelain doll". According to the true Internet mode, Reddit users quickly described the controversy as "beautygate", implying that the selfie replica was perhaps this year's.

iphone xs selfie
The new selfie parameter of Apple has been criticized.

Why are we another selfie technological controversy?

Did not the Internet explode before the improvements to the selfie? Absolutely.

In 2016, Samsung was targeted when a British blogger noticed that his phone camera was smoothing his freckles by default. Snapchat began offering filters in 2015 and often drew attention to the controversy by offering content that is often insensitive to racism.

With the abundance of photo editing apps and filters (Hefe or Lo-Fi?), It's not necessarily the filters themselves that kicked off the hubbub. Facetune, for example, is the most downloaded application in the Photo and Video category of the app store – in 127 countries, they proudly boast – and their editing is easy. exceeds the iPhone XS and XS Max in terms of fashionable outrageous style.

What exactly are the XS tools that have missed the target? When it comes to retouching photos, users want control. Of course, they know the beauty filters adopted by Samsung many years ago, but they are explicitly leveled from 1 to 8 and have a sweet or cool mood. In the race for technology to conquer consumers, Apple seems to have pushed the line too far on two fronts: first, assuming that users would want automatically embellished photos, and second, by reworking to a strange aesthetic valley, where the users have the feeling the photos were not really alike. How annoying to take a picture of yourself and end up with … do not you?

xs selfie controversy
Did the selfie features of Apple take a little too much automatic embellishment?

Some users have hypothesized that skin smoothing was a side effect of Apple's post-processing technology, which combines multiple images to create an enhanced image. Plus, people can not seem to understand how to turn off the smoothing effect of the skin.

While innovating with photo technology, businesses and people continue to understand the links between identity and technology. No one takes you for a puppy or thinks that your local florist has recently built the ethereal flower crown in your last selfie. But more subtle changes that change our self-perception are more complicated.

In our daily forays on the Internet, we drown ourselves minute after minute in advertisements. But with the authenticity on the rise, the "realism" holds a much more social currency, which leaves Apple to pay the price of a feature that sneaks quietly into the effects of smoothing the skin.

Why is there so much pressure to introduce these features?

People like to look good in their photos. Combined with a more and more image-centric Internet and a personal brand culture, such features are unlikely to go away any time soon. And the experts who do want to To automate their photo editing, the XS, which the famous photographer Pete Souza has already compared to a digital SLR camera, will still please many.

This perspective may be more resonant in Asian countries where the prospect of easy photo editing is not an apocalyptic end to authenticity, but rather a liberating force. Like the prospect of a high quality camera, many applications like Meitu and BeautyCam democratize beauty.

In Asia, before publishing a photo with you and a friend, you can change your face and face without asking anything. It's a courtesy: you want your friend to look good, right? And if you like your appearance, you can create a climate of trust by allowing you to take more selfies over time (a perspective from a Meitu employee shared with New Yorker).

By the simple percentage of iPhone owners, a company like Apple has a lot of influence on the selfie culture and, in turn, on our self-perception. Businesses are struggling to associate technology with what a culture defines as being beautiful in a given moment and trying to show us what they think we want.

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