Jon Favreau reveals the details of the TV series – Variety


The creator Jon Favreau revealed the first details of his next TV series in streaming "Star Wars".

In an article published Wednesday on his Instagram account, the filmmaker took advantage of "The Mandalorian" to write a yellow-black text reminiscent of the traditional "crawl" that precedes most of the films of "Star Wars": "After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the universe of Star Wars.The Mandalorian stands after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order.We follow the difficulties of a sniper in the far reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic. "

Walt Disney Co. announced in March that Favreau would be writing a Star Wars live-action series for the company's next streaming service, scheduled to launch next year. The project would become the first live action television series taking place in the "Star Wars" universe.

Disney General Manager Bob Iger announced in a conference call with investors that Favreau's live series was entering the Star Wars universe in March. The show is expected to become one of the many series and films offered by Disney's Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar units that will populate the new service as Disney seeks to challenge the dominant Netflix player in the direct-to-consumer arena. .

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