Google has launched a series of application updates adapted to its new "Google Material Theme" or "Material Design 2" or what you prefer to call it – you've told me to talk of "monochrome threat". Keep Notes (born Google Keep) is the latest app to get the new look, and it's pretty elegant. Better, if you are too impatient to wait for the update, you can download it quickly on our sister site, APK Mirror.
Keep version 5.0.391 (left) and keep version 5.0.411 (right). Ignore these survey ideas.
The new look is much more attractive and modern, but as far as we can judge, it loses no functionality. Only the blue pin icon in the corner of pinned items seems to have been lost, although the heading of the "pinned" category is still present and that it is probably as indicative as necessary.
The note titles are now in Google / Product Sans, and the old Serbian Roboto Slab font used for the contents of the note has been replaced by a sans-serif Roboto. The gray background has been replaced by a striking white and the notes are now referred to simply as a border and not as a contrasting background.
The iconography has also been updated throughout the outlines of the Pie era and a new avatar shortcut at the top right to switch from one Google account to another has been added on the default screen. This square-split icon toggles between multi-column and single-column views, as before – but, let's face it, most of us, at AP, have never noticed it before the new design.
Navigation drawer in Keep v5.0.391 (left) and Keep v5.0.411 (right).
The navigation drawer sees more drastic changes. While other "Call-it-it-Material-Design-2" remodeling, like Google Photos, largely preserved the look of the old-style drawer, Keep completely removed the header. and lost your name, your email address, your avatar, and G + background. Maybe other applications will follow.
Note composition screen on Keep v5.0.391 (left) and Keep v5.0.411 (right)
Note that the composition itself only has a handful of aesthetic changes deeply embedded in the skin, with a solid white background and the same changes regarding iconography and font. The location, overall appearance and functionality of each element of the user interface remain the same. The settings and reminder menus of the application have not changed significantly.
Colorful backgrounds are always present, do not worry.
The update that introduces the new look of Keep does not include many drawbacks in the version, either, counting for a mere v5.0.411 compared to the current v5.0.391. As the update unfolds, you can take a look at Keeping Your Notes early by downloading the latest version of APK Mirror. (The version of Wear OS is available here.)
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