Killing the economic phone line Galaxy J is part of a major reshuffle planned at Samsung – BGR


The details continue to pour in on a major overhaul underway at Samsung that encompasses everything from the handset manufacturer to the redesign of its flagship products to its attempt to make its mid-range smartphone models more appealing. for generation Y. And now, we learn that Samsung will completely kill its Galaxy J budget series, which is apparently part of the reorganization of its series of low-end and mid-range smartphones.

The news of galaxy J become deep AND News, which reports that Samsung will kill the Galaxy J series and, as a result, expand the Galaxy A lineup to cover some of these lower price points.

In addition, SamMobile, this report states that "Samsung plans to launch the Galaxy M range to replace the devices Galaxy On series, exclusive online. Galaxy M models will target the budget segment, where Chinese brands are the most dominant. Their price would be very competitive for Samsung to compete effectively with its Chinese rivals in key markets such as India, Latin America and China itself, where its market share has deteriorated to less than 1%.

Samsung is apparently agreeing to take a hit on profit margins as part of a longer stretch of maintenance and, hopefully, growth in its position in these markets.

All this comes as Samsung rethinks so much of how its business operates on smartphones, in the image of a key aspect we reported earlier this month. DJ Koh, CEO of Samsung's mobile business, said: CNBC The company will transform itself a bit so that its new advanced technology is the first to its models of cheaper phones, like those of the Galaxy A series. Before the technology ends up in the company's most expensive flagship models later.

Meanwhile, Samsung fans expect to be impressed by the next generation of Galaxy S, and Koh told Chinese media that "very important" design changes are underway for the Galaxy S10. He did not say further that some "amazing" color choices would be available. Nevertheless, the writing on the wall is clear. Samsung knows that it is challenged at every level, at every level of its business and that it must react accordingly.

"Chinese brands have made good progress in emerging markets with their value-for-money offers" SamMobile reports. "Although growth in some markets was not necessarily at the expense of Samsung, it was a lost opportunity for the company. The intensity with which Chinese brands compete in the marketplace requires Samsung to take drastic action, and it could be expected to do just that with these reported range changes.

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