Kingdom Hearts 3, the new gameplay video reveals the boss battle between Sora and Aqua


Kingdom of Hearts 3 PS4

Tokyo Game Show 2018 in Chiba, Tokyo is on a stroke right now. Surprising news is coming out of the series and one of these good news has just been published about the coming Kingdom. in a fight against each other. Check out the gameplay video below.

The gameplay video is actually a little teaser of the climax that Square Enix had planned for a while now. Although this video only lasts 30 seconds, it offers a detailed overview of Sora's character. In addition, he shows a boss battle between Sora and Aqua. The game also features dark and beautiful music in the background and allows players to watch the state of the art.

These particular characters have remained a part of the latest news and chatter on the web in recent weeks. Fans speculated on the character's movements, abilities, costumes, and combat scenarios. With this new preview of the game, Square Enix has actually offered all fans to have a glimpse of high-profile titles. In addition to this, fans can also watch the gameplay itself for a better understanding of the game.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is a video game of action and RPG coming soon. Square Enix is ​​the developer and publisher of Kingdom Hearts 3. It is expected to be released in the West on 29e January 2019. However, Japanese fans will release the game a little earlier. In Japan, Kingdom Hearts 3 will be released on January 25e, 2019. In all regions, the game will be released on PS4 and Xbox One. Pre-orders for the game are now available on the respective online gaming stores and on Amazon.

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