Kotaku XP is overwhelmed by the list of Smash Ultimate


After this week's Nintendo Direct, Tim and I will be asking about this week's Kotaku XP: can there be too many good things?

74 characters is a lot of characters, and according to this week's report smashNintendo Direct more centered, there are five more to come after the launch. Look at all the characters in this vignette. Do you see Isabelle? She is afraid of all friends!

Tim says that if you attend more than ten marriages for non-family members during your adult life, you have too many friends. I've been to three this year, so I'm not sure I agree with him. But we are both watching Super Smash Bros. UltimateThe list of characters with some apprehension. I have enough trouble deciding whether to play or not Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, or No Man's Sky. How will I decide to be Isabelle or Inkling?

When it comes to choosing and choosing the games to play, Tim says we can say, paying attention to the trends we will talk about in five years. Although he played Assassin's Creed Odyssey for work, he said he did not think people would talk about this sport in five years and it was coming out pretty quickly. I think it has merit – I mean, I do not even remember the movies that were nominated for the best Oscar film last year, but there are classics that transcend the test of time. We have a question for you, viewers: which video games will you talk about? fifty years ago? We will discuss your answers at our next show!

If you want to participate in future episodes of this show, you can follow me, Tim, Kotaku, or all three on Twitter.

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