Lenovo Smart Display with the help of Google Assistant


Getting started is really easy if you already have a Google Account. You sign in and connect the speaker through a Google Home app on your iPhone or Android phone. This will take only few minutes. After that, the display begins to show you information that it thinks is useful for you.

This includes the weather on the home screen, how long it can take to get to work, the YouTube videos you might like and information about the flights that he has can be recognized from your Gmail account. You can slide across the big, bright touch screen to see more information, or talk more commands.

I found that it was really useful for cooking. I asked the smart screen for chicken cacciatore recipes and it raised more than a dozen that I could slip through. When I selected one, he showed me the ingredients in a large, easy-to-read text. Then he made me go through the cooking steps one by one. After each step, I would simply say "OK, Google, then", and he would read me the next step.

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