LinkedIn adds a voicemail feature because why not


LinkedIn has officially activated voicemail on its application. Colleagues can now send voice clips for a minute, but the question is: would they want it? ( Carl Court | Getty Images )

Apparently, LinkedIn has added a new feature to its mobile application that allows users to exchange voice messages – because that's how it's that colleagues are intimate, right? They send voice clips.

The professional networking platform argues that it's sometimes easier to say things out loud instead of typing long messages.

"Whether you respond by walking or multitasking, explaining the depth, voice messages make it easier and faster to communicate in your own voice with your connections," explained the company in a blog post [19659005] Voice Message on LinkedIn Explained

The Voice Recording feature is scheduled for the next few weeks and will be available in the iOS and Android versions of the LinkedIn application, allowing users to receive mobile messages. and on the desktop site.They can record one-minute voice messages by tapping the new microphone icon in the e-mail keyboard.

"We hope this will make it easier than ever to communicate when you Want it, as you wish with your professional community. "19659005] Why did LinkedIn add voicemail?

LinkedIn has stated three main sounds for which he adds voicemail:

One, convenience. The company thinks that sending voice messages, as mentioned, is easier than typing them. Two, late. LinkedIn thinks that leaving voicemails instead of calling people is more convenient for recipients because they are not always available. Three, expression. The company argues that users will be able to express themselves better by speaking aloud instead of typing.

These are quite reasonable arguments, of course. Only LinkedIn is a professional networking platform, and not everyone is likely friendly enough with colleagues to leave voice messages. Such things feel more personal, intimate. That's exactly why it's best suited for friends, not the people we work with. It is relatively rare, as TechCrunch notes, to call someone to discuss a job or potential recruitment, which LinkedIn is primarily intended for. Sending emails is perfectly acceptable in such scenarios.

In any case, it's just an option, and users will not be forced to send voice messages if they do not wish it. If this turns out to be widely used, it's easy to imagine that LinkedIn will follow it with more intimate communication methods. Just wait until he introduces the video chat.

Microsoft acquired LinkedIn in 2016 for nearly $ 27 billion.

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