Linus Torvalds excuses for years of "unprofessional rants", takes a break from Linux


What has just happened? Linus Torvalds may be the creator of the Linux kernel, but he is equally known for his explosions that typically target other developers and companies. Now he has decided to take a break from his free software work and seek help for his behavior.

In an e-mail addressed to the Linux kernel mailing list, which also discusses the update of the Linux 4.19-rc4 kernel, Torvalds writes: "I have to change some of my behaviors and apologize to completely abandoned the development of the kernel. "

"I'm going to take leave and get help to understand people's emotions and react appropriately."

Torvalds has been working on the Linux operating system kernel since its inception in 1991, but its aggressive behavior, often directed against coders, has attracted unwanted attention. In 2013, core developer Sarah (now Sage) Sharp called him to "advocate for physical intimidation and violence" and is known to swear at those who do not meet his expectations.

Even big companies have not escaped the wrath of Torvalds. In 2012, he told Nvidia "fu * k you" and gave the firm a major on the camera. More recently, it blew up Intel on its Specter patches.

It seems that the tipping point was tied to the top of Linux Kernal maintainers. After the event was transferred from Canada to Scotland to fit into his family vacation plans, Torvalds said he hoped to avoid attending, which did not please the developers.

"I'm not an emotionally empathic person and it probably will not surprise anyone in the least, the fact that I misunderstood people and that I do not realize (for years) how much a situation has been judged and contributed to a non-professional environment is not good. "

Torvalds pointed out that he was not moving away for good. "It's not a kind of" I'm exhausted, I just have to leave. "I do not feel like I'm not going to keep Linux going – quite the contrary, continue to do this project I've been working on since then. almost three decades. "

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