Linus Torvalds takes a break from Linux


In a surprising move, Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, pauses his work on the Linux kernel to work on his behavior with other developers. In a note to the Linux kernel mailing list (LKML), Torvalds wrote, "I have to change some of my behaviors and I want to apologize to people that my personal behavior has hindered the development of the kernel.

If you follow the trials and tribulations of the developments of Linux, it's mind-blowing. For nearly 30 years, Torvalds worked on the core, he was famous – or infamous – for his explosions against programmers and other people who did not meet his expectations.

Over the decades, Torvalds has trained security developers, open source lawyers, and other kernel developers, such as Sage, formerly Sarah, Sharp. Every few months there would be another four-letter eruption of Torvalds. This became publicly accepted, but in private, he left a bad blood.

The last drop was a secondary problem. Torvalds had forgotten Maintainer's Summit, a meeting of about forty Linux developers, already scheduled for family vacations. As a result, the developers moved the Vancouver Canada summit to the Linux Plumbers private conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, at the same time as the European Open Source Summit.

James Bottomley, a leading developer of the Linux kernel and one of the organizers of Plumbers, explained, "By 2018, we had planned to schedule the maintainer meetings Monday afternoon and the rest of the Kernel Summit from Tuesday to Thursday. Vancouver: because of Linus' travel scam, it can not do plumbers, so the current plan is to call the maintainers section of the Edinburgh summit on half a day of invitation but to keep the Kernel Summit lead track (and give all Maintainer Summit attendees a free pass for plumbers to encourage them to travel to Vancouver), so that all the core technical content of the Core Summit will be in lead.

As Torvalds explained, "I was a little embarrassed to have messed up my schedule, but honestly, I was especially hoping that I would not have to go to the top of the core I've been to every year for two decades. "Yes, it was reprogrammed, but along the way" I realized that I had completely misread some of the people involved.

Torvalds looked at himself in the mirror and he was not happy. He realized that "it was not really funny or a good sign that I was just hoping to completely skip the annual kernel summit, and on the other hand realize that I really had ignored some deep feelings in the community. "

Torvalds admitted, "I'm not an emotionally empathetic person, and it probably will not surprise anyone in the least, the fact that I misunderstood people and that I do not realize (for years) what point I have judged a situation and contributed to a non-professional environment is not good. "

So, "this week, people in our community have faced a life where I do not understand emotions." My flippant attacks in emails were both unprofessional and useless, especially when I made them personal. That makes sense to me, I know now that it was not ok and I'm really sorry. "

I've covered technology and its best creators, such as not only Torvalds, but familiar names like Steve Jobs, since the 80s. What you called it a borderline personality disorder, the syndrome of Asperger or being pushed to succeed, in general, they are not good at working and playing with others. What is extremely rare is that someone like it is a problem and needs to be repaired.

As Jono Bacon, one of the leading community strategy consultants, wrote about Torvald's mindset shift, "his position today is a pretty remarkable change in posture for him, and I'm encouraging the community to make these changes. "

Bacon added: "It's easy to forget that Linux was launched by a discreet young Finn in his dormitory college.It is important to remember that this is not because Linux was not a code, he is a human being, and insects are harder to spot and repair in humans. "

Thus, Torvalds decided: "I have to change some of my behaviors and I want to apologize to my interlocutors that my personal behavior has hindered the development of the kernel. I will take a little bit of time to understand people's emotions and respond appropriately. "

Torvalds will be back. "It's not a kind of" I'm exhausted, I just have to leave. "I do not feel like I'm not going to keep Linux going – quite the contrary, continue to do this project I've been working on since then. almost three decades. "

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