MacOS Mojave beta first look: Stable, powerful and about you


First impressions count and that is why all previews start with the dark mode of MacOS 10.14 Mojave, but beyond all that, the message of the latest operating system of Apple remains faithful to the conviction of the company: everything is about you.

You you you

Although there is a lot going on under the hood (Metal, CoreML, AFPS, to name just three), most Mac users live on the surface of their machines.

We use them to get things done. We use them for different tasks and in different professions at different skill levels. These "bicycles for the mind" are creative tools that creative people use to get things done.

This is precisely why Mojave counts.

Set to work

Think of the improvements made to this version, yes, even in dark mode.

This operating system helps you organize your tasks, helps you perform tasks in an ad-hoc way from the Finder with Stacks, Gallery View and Quick Actions. The continuity camera allows you to use your iPhone as a document scanner and you get improvements in screen captures, too.

Application developers benefit from a well-upgraded App Store that can help Mac users find the apps they need to get things done.

We all enjoy the great promise of Apple that from 2019, developers will easily transfer iOS applications to the Mac, delivered this year in the form of improved versions of applications that users iOS often open: News, Stocks, Voice Memos and Home.

There is no need for friction

You may have no use for any of these applications, but in my opinion they prove that Apple has found something.

He realized that among the hundreds of thousands of iOS apps, there are many that are really great for getting very targeted tasks. He saw that empowering Mac users to perform such tasks is a logical extension of the company's core message, the "sacred"Human Interface Guidelines, if you want.

You see, in Mojave, (as in iOS 12), Apple seems to have looked in depth to send a message to all Mac users.

This message is that the best apps are the ones that go out of the way.

That the best platforms are those that focus on what their customers want to achieve.

That the best way to support these missions is to try to – wait – out of the way, but equip people with easy to use. but complex applications that do the job without demanding too much of your time.

With this in mind, my first impression is that Mojave seems designed to deliver a computer experience in which your interaction with the system is as frictionless as possible.

The one in which the computer itself is trying to understand your needs and then provide you with the tools you will use to meet those needs.

(I'm looking forward to Siri Shortcuts on Mac, somewhere on the line).

Stability is sexy

This is a lesson that runs through all Apple platforms in their upgrades in 2018.

Described by some as "stability versions", the principles (iOS and macOS) seem to have been designed with the needs of the end user in mind.

Of course, humans are fallible even the computer gods in Cupertino.

I am sure that when people will launch operating systems around new flaws and poorly executed executions (as battery degradation by design will fail, we will lose patience), will appear, but surely the existence some weaknesses do undermine the core mission? Apple has a good enough record to correct its mistakes.

MacOS Mojave is about you

Of course, things you do not see are often as important as those you do.

Developers The WWDC 2018 has encountered the new technologies of Apple's platform: Core ML2, Create ML, Metal 2 and the new frameworks that the company is developing to support the process of porting iOS applications to Macs .

Apple also understands something else about how people use computers to express themselves. You must be able to express yourself freely and in complete privacy. This is why security and privacy enhancements are built into the entire system.

It's a real recognition of your importance:

You do not work for the system; the system works for you.

Fresh foundations

There are other new or recent enhancements: Macs will become fully 64-bit next year. Last year saw the adoption of new lightweight and powerful file storage and imaging systems on its platforms.

If you dig deep enough, you will see that the company has quietly refreshed the foundations of the Mac – OS – in recent years.

Apple's lightweight and smart operating system is designed to work extremely efficiently on the world's most advanced processors. Why could this be?

What makes this attempt particularly refreshing is that within Mojave, Apple has also worked very hard to ensure that, in what appears to be small but will prove to be incrementally, it has made the system central more productive than before, and you will put the center of this experience.

Public beta, available now

Of course, all this is just my opinion.

You can make your own idea.

Apple has made macOS Mojave available in public beta.

Joining the system is simple, but I would not recommend installing it on your primary Mac.

Although I found the beta very stable, it just makes sense to accept that you do not install beta on critical machines. It's just asking another of these figurative treks across the familiar desert valleys for abandoned rescue routines and lost data tears.

Even with a dynamic office.

Stable, powerful and focused on you

This is not a criticism, just a series of first impressions. I plan to explore individual features more in depth at the end of the line.

I mean I like this beta. I like its stability. I like what he seems to tell me about Apple's direction with the Mac.

Now I would like the company to follow up with something like a new Mac mini.

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