Mal & # 39; Ganis arrives at the heroes of the storm


Over the past two days, the Heroes of the Storm team has once again teased the community with cryptic images, depicting a set of henchmen fighting someone with the lightning of the neon green universe of Fel of Warcraft.

Welcome to Mal'ganis, Lord of the Burning Legion:

Finally, the manipulative dreadlord Mal'Ganis, the deceiver of Arthas, is ready to realize his plans for the Nexus ripe and unsuspecting. Mal'Ganis is a tiring warrior who specializes in disrupting his enemies to give his team an edge. Be careful when you try to thwart a dreadlord, it will twist the fate at any time by evaporating in bat, or worse, making your life.

Mal'Ganis in the Warcraft universe

Mal'ganis made his first appearance at the RTS Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. He is the warlord behind the plague that infected Andorhal's grain stocks, which led the young Prince Arthas to commit the slaughter of Stratholme, to pursue the warlord to Northrend and become the Lich King.

The quote of the Twitter ticket is one of the most emblematic speeches of Mal'ganis in the game:

I waited, young prince. I am Mal'Ganis.
As you can see, your people are now mine. I will now transform this house of the city, house by house, until the flame of life is extinguished … forever.

If you want to know more about Mal'ganis as a character and his influence in the tradition of Warcraft, see the special article from WoWHead!

The fall of the king's crest The event is currently going on in the game. Make sure to complete the special quests and acquire unique beauty products before they are lost in time … until the next year.

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