Mario Kart VR arrives in the United States but no Nintendo


If you ever wanted to play Mario Kart In virtual reality, but you do not want to travel to Japan, you can book a shorter trip to Washington, DC within the next six months. Bandai Namco will present in the United States a trio of virtual reality arcade games, but these will only be available by March 2019.

According to a report from Gamespot, it's Bandai Namco that will host the trio of VR arcade games, even though Mario Kart Arcade GP VR is a Nintendo game. Whatever it is, we do not care who is leading the show as long as a large audience will manage to run these virtual reality games.

If you have not seen Mario Kart VR in action, this actually looks like a pretty experience. This is based on Mario Kart 8 Ultimate, and allows players to experience some of their favorite tracks as well as they were sitting in the driver's seat themselves. As stated in the initial report, you can freely watch around you during the race with Mario, Link and the rest of the Nintendo crew, and even use your hands to grab and throw objects at your opponents. We have our fingers crossed that this is used as an extended beta test while Nintendo is finalizing a version of the game for home use. We did not expect the game to be part of the PlayStation VR (although Sony now plays cross-gaming in a friendly way), but it would be very difficult for Nintendo to release its first VR game on PC.

This is also logical because, like the other virtual reality games that are part of this limited commitment, Mario Kart works on the HTC Vive. The entire production calls "VR Zone" and sounds exactly like the name of a game or arcade game that we have. Expected to find in the mid-90s. Each game will cost $ 8 and, to date, the National Mall in Washington appears to be the only place scheduled to host the games. After this period, it is still possible that Bandai Namco will do everything in its power for another six months in a city like L.A. We will have to wait and see.

As for other games, people can try, there is one who calls Argyle Shift that you tried to deliver a mech to a futuristic war zone, and another called Ski slope this allows you to get started on a snowy hill. Trying the three games will cost you $ 24, so hopefully, they are long enough and very fun to play.

It is certainly interesting to see Nintendo and Bandai Namco experimenting with VR, but we have our fingers crossed, which means that they have seriously thought about diving head first. If you want to encourage them, be sure to upgrade to The VR Zone and try the games.

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