Mass Effect Andromeda gets Xbox One X-Enhanced


BioWare announced that the Xbox One version of Mass Effect Andromeda is now improved for X. The patch improves Andromeda on Xbox One X, offering better resolution and better HDR support.

The new update is part of the N7 Day Celebration of 2018. The N7 Day is an annual celebration of Mass Effect games, comics, movies and culture taking place on November 7th. BioWare generally uses this date to announce new updates or extensions for older Mass Effect games.

During the announcement video of the new update, BioWare also announced the upcoming Mass Effect game. After the less than amazing launch of Andromeda, BioWare worked on the Mass Effect series on hiatus and did not reveal any concrete details about what the upcoming franchise game might look like. However, earlier in the year, Casey Hudson, CEO of BioWare, revealed that work on something new had begun.

"Our Star Wars: The Old Republic team is working hard on incredible projects for the coming year, with new features and surprises that, in my opinion, make it a year away. the most exciting of the game so far, "Hudson wrote in a blog post. "And yes – we hear loudly and clearly that BioWare is more interested in Dragon Age and Mass Effect, so rest assured, we have hidden teams working on secret tasks that you will really enjoy. – we're just not ready to talk about all this for a little while … "

In our article about Mass Effect Andromeda, Scott Butterworth gave the game a score of 6/10. He writes: "The game can not escape its shortcomings, but patient explorers can still find a few stars that shine in it. darkness."

Mass Effect Andromeda is available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

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