Mass layoffs in another large studio as Trion Worlds is acquired


Yet another video game studio has suffered significant layoffs. Trion Worlds, the studio behind games such as Rift, Trove, Defiance and Archeage, has reportedly cut more than 150 jobs since its acquisition by a German gaming company, Gamigo. A statement from Trion Worlds confirms that "there has been a transaction involving Trion Worlds and its games" which will result in layoffs.

"While many of the names and faces you know in our studios will remain in place during this transition, others will not make the trip," reads the statement. "To those who leave us, we are always grateful for your work and your incredible contributions over the years."

A source told Gamasutra that Trion Worlds employed more than 200 people in its offices in California and Texas, but after the layoffs, only 25 people were staying in the company.

Trion's games, at least some of them, will remain online between Gamigo's "skilled hands," the company said. "All those involved are aiming to make this transition as smooth as possible for you – we will have more information to reveal as soon as we can," the statement said.

Polygon reports that the affected Trion developers have been paid severance pay, in contrast to those who lost their jobs when Telltale announced his "closure of the majority studio".

Trion is only the last video game studio to suffer serious layoffs. In September alone, more than 500 people lost their jobs due to closure or significant downsizing at Carbine (50 layoffs), Capcom Vancouver (158 people), Telltale (250 people) and Big Fish Games (75 people). With the 175 layoffs in Trion, more than 600 jobs in the video game industry have been lost in the past two months.

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