Massive Galaxy S10 Upgrade Suddenly & # 39; Confirmed & # 39;

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Samsung is excited about the Galaxy S10 and you too. The company recently confirmed the "significant improvements", And leaks from the supply chain told us about his change of shape, triple rear camera, Ultrasonic reader, quick software updates, 5G support and clean Face rival ID. But now, Samsung wants to tell us more …

Picked up by XDA developers, Samsung left an Easter egg in its first beta of Android 9 Pie on the Galaxy S9 +: Official confirmation of no less than four separate models of Galaxy S10 …

The Galaxy S10 will be Samsung's most ambitious smartphone for years. Illustrated concept.Concept creator

Upon entering the software, XDA Developers discovered that Samsung had inserted references to 'Beyond', 'Beyond1', 'Beyond2',beyond2 5g".

So what are they?

The beyond1 and beyond2 models will be the standard Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 + models, with the more new oversized display and triple rear camera. The other will be a new version of the Galaxy S10 with a standard display reader and unique rear camera.

As for the exterior 2 5G, it is the most radical (and very exclusive) The Galaxy S10 is based on the plus model, with additional support for Gigabit-compatible 5G networks, which are launched worldwide later this year.

The 5G modem from Qualcomm is ready and will go to the Galaxy S10, Samsung's flagship product.Qualcomm

Moreover, we can be very confident in this information. Over the last year, Samsung seems to have fully embraced leaks and "accidental" phone teasers as a method of interest (1,2 persons,3). And I'm sure it's not a coincidence that this last title appeared during the week of launching the iPhone.

And all that makes sense. The Galaxy S10 is Samsung's 10th anniversary. Society needs it to succeed. Moreover, given what we know about Price 5G Galaxy S10, we have to tell customers to start saving now …


Follow Gordon on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

More about Forbes

The change of shape of the Galaxy S10 leaked by Samsung

Samsung CEO Unveils "Very Meaningful" Upgrade of Galaxy S10

Samsung Galaxy Supply Chain Leaks Five Galaxy S10 Design Camera

Samsung limits the 5G model to a single Galaxy S10

Samsung will offer readers integrated to the Galaxy S10 3 models


Samsung is excited about the Galaxy S10 and you too. The company recently confirmed the "significant improvements", And leaks from the supply chain told us about his change of shape, triple rear camera, Ultrasonic reader, quick software updates, 5G support and clean Face rival ID. But now, Samsung wants to tell us more …

Picked up by XDA developers, Samsung left an Easter egg in its first beta of Android 9 Pie on the Galaxy S9 +: Official confirmation of no less than four separate models of Galaxy S10 …

The Galaxy S10 will be Samsung's most ambitious smartphone for years. Illustrated concept.Concept creator

Upon entering the software, XDA Developers discovered that Samsung had inserted references to 'Beyond', 'Beyond1', 'Beyond2',beyond2 5g".

So what are they?

The beyond1 and beyond2 models will be the standard Galaxy S10 and Galaxy S10 + models, with the more new oversized display and triple rear camera. The other will be a new version of the Galaxy S10 with a standard display reader and unique rear camera.

As for the exterior 2 5G, it is the most radical (and very exclusive) The Galaxy S10 is based on the plus model, with additional support for Gigabit-compatible 5G networks, which are launched worldwide later this year.

The 5G modem from Qualcomm is ready and will go to the Galaxy S10, Samsung's flagship product.Qualcomm

Moreover, we can be very confident in this information. Over the last year, Samsung seems to have fully embraced leaks and "accidental" phone teasers as a method of interest (1,2 persons,3). And I'm sure it's not a coincidence that this last title appeared during the week of launching the iPhone.

And all that makes sense. The Galaxy S10 is Samsung's 10th anniversary. Society needs it to succeed. Moreover, given what we know about Price 5G Galaxy S10, we have to tell customers to start saving now …


Follow Gordon on Twitter, Facebook and Google+

More about Forbes

The change of shape of the Galaxy S10 leaked by Samsung

Samsung CEO Unveils "Very Meaningful" Upgrade of Galaxy S10

Samsung Galaxy Supply Chain Leaks Five Galaxy S10 Design Camera

Samsung limits the 5G model to a single Galaxy S10

Samsung will offer readers integrated to the Galaxy S10 3 models

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