Meet Cresselia, the new legendary Pokémon in "Pokémon GO" raids


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Cresselia.Credit: niantic Labs

I must say that Giratina will not miss me. The legendary dragon and the ghost type thrustmy had his usual one month break at Tier-5 Raids in Pokémon GO, but a combination of weekly statistics and a rather frustrating capture phase meant that not only did the raids tend to be relatively uncrowded, but the rewards were not exceptional either. Plus, it was a strange thing, not as visually coherent as the titans. But it's pretty frustrating for Giratina: as usual, we have a new Legendary thrustMonday to go out at 4:00 pm today, and it looks like we will be spending the end of November and December fighting Cresselia, another legendary generation 4.

Cresselia is a psychic type thrustMonday, so everyone should be there dusting off the Dark and Ghost guys they used for the Mewtwo raids. He is identified as the lunar thrustmy and is supposed to represent the crescent moon, according to its Pokedex entries. It is an ethereal and pleasant creature that contrasts with the most sinister Giratina, even though we will beat her and stuff her into a ball anyway. It's the way of the world in thrustmy, and we must not question. Catch them all.

Giratina has arrived next to the Halloween event, and we assume that we will have something to do with Thanksgiving as well. Probably nothing huge: we are honoring the release of Pokémon let's go for the moment, even if it is a relatively minor event. Pokémon GO does not spend a lot of time outside of events nowadays, which is a decent way to deal with the increasing overabundance of thrustMonday that could recur on a "normal" day.

I'll be looking forward to taking Cresselia in a few days, although Thanksgiving has priority for the moment. I missed a few around the same time last year, and I regret it now: asking folks legendary trades is a big problem, especially if you're not still completely amalgamated. If all goes well, Kyogre soon appears as a reward for field research because it was too cold to grab it last year.

Cresselia will remain until December 18 at 4 pm Eastern Time, so take it before.


Cresselia.Credit: niantic Labs

I must say that Giratina will not miss me. The legendary dragon and the ghost type thrustmy had his usual one month break at Tier-5 Raids in Pokémon GO, but a combination of weekly statistics and a rather frustrating capture phase meant that not only did the raids tend to be relatively uncrowded, but the rewards were not exceptional either. Plus, it was a strange thing, not as visually coherent as the titans. But it's pretty frustrating for Giratina: as usual, we have a new Legendary thrustMonday to go out at 4:00 pm today, and it looks like we will be spending the end of November and December fighting Cresselia, another legendary generation 4.

Cresselia is a psychic type thrustMonday, so everyone should be there dusting off the Dark and Ghost guys they used for the Mewtwo raids. He is identified as the lunar thrustmy and is supposed to represent the crescent moon, according to its Pokedex entries. It is an ethereal and pleasant creature that contrasts with the most sinister Giratina, even though we will beat her and stuff her into a ball anyway. It's the way of the world in thrustmy, and we must not question. Catch them all.

Giratina has arrived next to the Halloween event, and we assume that we will have something to do with Thanksgiving as well. Probably nothing huge: we are honoring the release of Pokémon let's go for the moment, even if it is a relatively minor event. Pokémon GO does not spend a lot of time outside of events nowadays, which is a decent way to deal with the increasing overabundance of thrustMonday that could recur on a "normal" day.

I'll be looking forward to taking Cresselia in a few days, although Thanksgiving has priority for the moment. I missed a few around the same time last year, and I regret it now: asking folks legendary trades is a big problem, especially if you're not still completely amalgamated. If all goes well, Kyogre soon appears as a reward for field research because it was too cold to grab it last year.

Cresselia will remain until December 18 at 4 pm Eastern Time, so take it before.

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