Mega Man 11 gets a surprise demo on Switch


Available tomorrow on PS4 / Xbox One

Capcom has just announced that a demo for Mega Man 11 is available on the right freakin online store now! What was likely to be announced when canceling Nintendo Direct, the demo will head to PS4 and Xbox One tomorrow for those without Switch. If you have the Nintendo Hybrid Device, what do you want?

The demo includes "Block Man" and three different difficulties to face. You will also be able to check out Rush's new abilities. On the Capcom Unity blog, the company launches a challenge for players to tweet their wins on "Block Man" with the hashtag #BustBlockMan. If enough players do it before launch, Capcom will give everyone a single-use item for the full game.

Bust Block Man in the Mega Man 11 Demo! [Capcom Unity]

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