'Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2', & # 39; 20XX & # 39; and & # 39; NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 & # 39; – TouchArcade


Welcome to SwitchArcade Roundup, this time for July 24th! Today sees the release of Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2 for the Nintendo Switch, so beyond celebrating this new release, I also have a theme of the day to commemorate l & # 39; occasion. Beside all this, there is your daily dose of news, other news and sales – the latter for all of us who want to make the most of our portfolios! First, however, teleport us in our game of the day!

Game of the day

20XX ($ 17.99)

Game of the day of yesterday, Sonic Mania Plus was announced by yours because of how he felt as an exact copy of the control of classic Genesis / Mega Drive games and physics. Well, the game of today 's day takes the controls and feel of Mega Man X and makes it a roguelite game. I can not think of a better opportunity to cover Batterystaple Games 20XX than on the release of today's Mega Man X Legacy 1 + 2 Collection !

20XX Similar gameplay features to what you will find in Capcom's futuristic action-platform platform, complete with explosive enemies to smithereens with your character's gun barrel, charging shots, walls of scale, and so on. Except, while the Mega Man X series is composed of masterfully arranged levels (well, for the first half of the series anyway …), 20XX follows a formula generated procedurally, taking level pieces and arranging them slightly. random order. Thus, there are not two exactly identical passages.

You probably will not go through the ten levels of the 20XX campaign on your first try. Not only does one death cause a party (three deaths in Easy Mode), but you probably will not have enough health and abilities to work. Each consecutive series you attempt in 20XX allows you to earn soul tokens, and these are the only things you carry with you outside of the races. They are used to purchase permanent updates (health, attack, defense, speed, etc.) and increased drop types in the levels to be discovered in your next campaign. Quite quickly, you will be able to get through the game like a "Mega Maniac" with all your current permanent and temporary upgrades (ie "Only for this run")

20XX continues to bring me back for more. I am still gaining more soul tokens to buy new drops in levels to allow me to do better on every next run. I occasionally play local cooperation with my older brother or by jumping online with a distant friend. Boss battles are intense, so are levels, and as you progress through the campaign, bosses and levels become more difficult. Personally, I've found it strategic to face bosses that would otherwise be harder to fight at the end of the game because they have more movement and fill the screen faster with attacks difficult to avoid, and try to confront them as soon as possible. In this way, I would simply have the "easy" bosses saved for the end.

Altogether, 20XX offers an experiment of Mega Man X in roguelite clothing.

… I'll go to News before people moan too loud


2K and Saber Interactive team up to develop NBA 2K line with NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 [19659017]

Announced this morning, 2K and Saber Interactive are partnering with 2K publishing and Saber Interactive is developing to launch the game formerly known as NBA Playgrounds 2 . while the games NBA 2K look like simulations, NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 is a more arcade action sport game where two teams of a two duke on the field, pulling dunks and coins that would have Michael Jordan in his first jealous

Saber Interactive's CEO, Matt Karch, explains: "No one is more determined to offer fans an outstanding basketball experience than ever before." 39, in 2K. We look forward to sharing more about how we team up to make the amazing arcade action of NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 bigger and better than ever for players. »The fruits of labor between 2K and Saber, NBA 2K Playground 2 released this fall …. 2 teams of 2 2 K … NBA 2K Playground 2 … How am I supposed to hold all these 2?

Available now: Paladins version 1.3 brings a new champion and more

A huge update has been published for Paladins: Champions of the Realm on Nintendo Switch after a good length of time to put the servers offline, the wait was worth it, because Paladins version 1.3 brings (according to the developer notes patch) a new champion in Koga, a new Team card Deathmatch called Abyss, a second Battle Pass, a cosmetic wheel, a brand new split classified m ode, and of course, the most important addition to any game of this type: the ability to ride a DRAGON FREAKING! …Sorry. I'm too excited about this stuff! The new update for Paladins is available now, so if you have already jumped on the game, what are you waiting for!

Bandai Namco unveils the trailer of new DLC characters in Dragon Ball FighterZ

How many versions of Goku and Vegeta do you need to screw a light bulb? I … I do not know the answer to this question because I've been horrible to the riddles, but I KNOW that the new versions of Goku and Vegeta will make their way into Dragon Ball's character list. FighterZ . That makes a total of three different versions of Vegeta in FighterZ and about … oh, 74 of Goku. Give or take 68 … maybe. In all honesty, I'm just terrified just how much the characters in the Arc System Works designers are loyal to the characters. With new moves and fighting styles in the normal versions of Goku and Vegeta, they announce themselves as fantastic additions to the DLC list. Also, what fan of Dragon Ball Z does not want to relive the climax of the arc of the first episode of the series? Of course, you might have the impression of having a serious case of déjà vu considering that it is the 131st time in a video game but never before, the characters did not look so beautiful!

The next group accident for ARMS begins on July 27

From July 27 at 2:00 am PST July 30 at 2:00 am PST, Mechanica confronts Springtron in a "Metal Meets Metal" ARMS Party Crash For those who have not yet planted a ARMS Monthly players jump online and compete in the halls, earning points for wins and losses (minus Using one or the other of the characters in the match, this time around Mechanica and Springtron, the points earned are multiplied by 1. At the weekend, the points and ranks of the party Crash are counted, earning players ARMS currency and badges for their effectiveness and the number of times they have ranked. continues to provide more entertainment. one year after launch

Mobile ga The ming Cytus enters the groove with a Sw port itch announced

Mobile ports continue to arrive at the Nintendo Switch, but when they are of such a pleasant general quality, what to complain ?! According to the latest issue of the Japanese magazine Famitsu, the news reveals that Flyhigh Works will release the rhythmic game originally developed by Rayark Cytus at Switch with a modified name, Cytus Alpha . If Rayark's development team seems familiar, it's because the studio is the driving force behind other well-received mobile-to-switch games like VOEZ and ] Deemo . With such quality rhythmic games under Rayark's collective belt, there seems to be no reason to doubt that his third Switch rhythm game will also make you move … to buy Cytus Alpha right out of the box. For now, check out a trailer for the mobile version of the game:

Headup Games Announces The Inner World and its follow-up will tell a tale about the Switch from next week

Two-count & Two Headup Games adventure games will see an outing on the Nintendo eShop next week on Friday, August 3rd. Both are famous and critically acclaimed games with a unique artistic style and a charming cast of characters. There The Inner World and its follow-up, The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk . For your enjoyment, here are the two trailers for both games.

Cool Stuff: Super Mario Toys Come Back to McDonald's Happy Meals

A New Line of Happy Meal Toys Super Mario themed McDonald's is back at McDonald's locations in the United States. From miniature figurines to small games that you will usually find in a handbag during a child's birthday party, these collectibles will surely delight the Mario fan in your life (especially if this Mario fan is yourself!). Of the eight toys, Mario Super Mario Odyssey looks with Cappy in his right hand is the one I like the most. Meanwhile, poor Luigi is waiting for Bowser's villains to be afraid of his fireball, but alas, Luigi, we can clearly see that it is not real. At least, Luigi fooled someone. These Happy Meal toys from the Super Mario Series will be at next McDonald's next month

New Products

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 ($ 19.99 each) [19659017] two compendiums Mega Man X are coming out today, the first being Mega Man X Legacy Collection spanning two generations of consoles with the Super Nintendo ( Mega Man X through X3 ) and the PS1 era with Mega Man X4 . Three of these games are my favorites in the whole series X … and then there is Mega Man X3 which is more than enough. I just like the original and X4 the most, with Mega Man X2 the following closely. See why the gaming world has fallen in love with the Blue Bomber again with this new generation of Mega Man by choosing four of the most expensive action platforms in the history of the game.

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 also covers two generations of consoles: the PS1 with Mega Man X5 and X6 and the PS2 with Mega Man X7 and ] X8 . Mega Man X7 shows that the X series has a lot of difficulty in mastering the gameplay in 3D, while X8 brings the series closer to its roots while enjoying a perspective of 2.5D gameplay. Between the first Mega Man X Legacy Collection and the second, I do not think that it leads to major dysfunctions in the thought for me to say that your priority should be the first collection, especially if you can not than to offer one. While Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 of X5 and X8 are of quality, X6 and X7 strongly brings Maverick's fighter part ( X7 mostly, but it's good to play for curiosity, whatever).

Both collections contain a challenge mode that pits X against two bosses at a time. Although Bubble Crab of Mega Man X2 was too much breeze? Sorry to burst your … um … bubble, but why not try to take Bubble Crab and Wheel Gator at once? In addition to the boss's challenges, the two Mega Man X Legacy Collections host art galleries, music players, character databases and much more. If you have good memories of the series Mega Man X these are the collections for you.

Semblance ($ 9.99)

Semblance of Good Shepard Entertainment and Nyamakop is a puzzle-platformer where everything in the environment has the ability to be distorted. Need some ledges to scale a vertical part of a level? Slam into the walls to create anchor points for your character. It's just one of the innovative features that your soft-body hero and the world around him can accomplish. The trailer has enormously aroused my interest for Semblance because cute animation movies and gameplay clips have really motivated me. Maybe I will enjoy this sale of 10% of the game until July 31st. It can be a small discount, but it adds up with time!


New games for sale

  • R.B.I. Baseball 18 ($ 20.99 from $ 29.99 to July 30)
  • Semblance ($ 8.99 from $ 9.99 to July 31)
  • ] Mecho Tales ($ 0.79 from $ 0.99 until August 12)

July 25

  • Cartoon Network: Battle Crashers ($ 14.99 from 29, $ 99 until July 25)
  • Monster Jam Crush It! ($ 14.99 from $ 29.99 until July 25)

All right, Switch fans Mega Maniacs, do you like how the SwitchArcade Roundup has "scooped up" things? time? Hit me with a comment below, or just tweet us ! See you here, same site TouchArcade, same channel SwitchArcade! Until then, keep your Joy-Cons loaded and your Switchs entertained with great games!

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