Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2 shows its new X Challenge Mode


The Mega Man X games have always been known for their tight, faster gameplay, and one of my favorite aspects was always the bosses. These worthy successors of Robot Master borrowed most of the time from animals and made each Maverick match memorable in their own way. For future compilation builds, it looks like they're teaming up to do new skill tests via the X Challenge Mode.

You will play as usual, but instead of a single boss, you will have to take two at a time. It looks like they're uniting them according to themes. Able to go out Chill Penguin with closed eyes? Now, Frost Walrus joins Arctic Antics. It's a cool concept and adds something new to the long-time fans.

You can pre-order the Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 and 2 now, and dive into Mega Man X at X8 when it comes out on July 24th.

Written by Ricky Berg

When he does not write for Nintendo Wire, Ricky anticipates the next Kirby, Fire Emblem, or if the stars line up, Mother 3 will be released. Until then, he will have the warm comfort of Super Smash Bros. to keep him alive.

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