Meltan Pokemon can evolve into Melmetal


By Jenni . October 24, 2018. 6:38

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The Meltan Pokemon saga continues. In September 2018, we heard about Meltan, a new mythical Pokémon that people could see in Pokemon GO, Pokemon: Let's go, Pikachu! and Pokemon: Let's go, Eevee! Earlier in October 2018, we learned to catch it and give it a different shape. Now, it has been confirmed that this would be the first mythical Pokémon with an evolved form: Melmetal.

Melmetal was revealed by the official Pokemon website. To turn Meltan into Melmetal, someone will have to collect 400 Meltan candies in Pokemon GO. This can be done by sending Meltans to Pokemon: let's go, trade with people, have it defined as your Buddy Pokémon, send the most free to Professor Willow and catch them.

Here are the official data published on Melmetal.

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First name: Melmetal

Category: Pokémon Hex Nut

Type: Steel

Size: 8'02 "

Weight: 1,763.7 lbs

This is the first time that Melmetal has been seen for 3000 years! In ancient times, this Pokémon was revered for its power of metal creation.

When Meltan evolves towards Melmetal, he becomes much stronger than before. His body hardens as a result of his evolution and he becomes incredibly sturdy.

Most of his body is made of liquid metal. His arms, in particular, are very flexible and can advance the devastating strikes.

Melmetal has a unique steel-type physical movement called Double Iron Bash. With this powerful movement, Melmetal uses the hexagonal nut in his chest like an axle to turn his strong arms and inflict a double strike on the opponent. The weight of the heavy hex nuts on his arms, combined with this rotational movement, gives this movement an extraordinary power. Once hit, the target can even jump!

A new video on Meltan Research Update has been released. She presents the reflections of Professor Oak and Professor Willow on Melmetal and allows visitors to view an animated version of Melmetal.

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Pokemon: let's go, Pikachu! and Eevee! will come to the Nintendo Switch on November 16, 2018. Pokemon GO is immediately available for Android and Apple iOS devices.

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