Messages in GTA Online indicate that GTA VI is coming in 2019, but do not you think so?


A Hot Potato: Previously, hackers in MMOs were just heartbreakers to players throughout the game. Now it seems that they have moved to crush hopes and dreams outside the online arena. The modders of GTA Online have usurped the identity of Rockstar and have led players to believe that a sequel was on the way.

Some GTA Online players were surprised on Sunday after logging in and finding Rockstar notifications that GTA VI was on the way and arriving in 2019 . Some of the messages even indicated that pre-orders had already begun. As exciting as such news would be, it turns out that the notifications were just a hoax.

The popups were apparently created by players who hack the game. Alex Crowley, who is a video game photographer, put the word that the reviews were fake and also that they were planting his game and triggering session errors.

Posts have so far been seen on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. It's probably because GTA Online has been cracking for some time on these platforms. So far, the XB1 and PS4 versions of the game have been relatively resistant to modding and hacking, and the leaflets do not appear on any of the newer consoles.

"Man, I'm just tired of the modders all together," Crowley told Kotaku.

Indeed, hacking in any game tends to ruin the experience for others. Some of the most popular online games, including GTA Online, PUBG, CS: GO, and others have all had their share of hackers. Many players testify to quitting a game or another because of this widespread problem.

Rockstar confirmed earlier today in a tweet that the messages were fake and extinguished by the modders. However, the company did not indicate if anything could be done to combat the problem.

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