Microsoft Azure and Office 365 users affected by a multifactor authentication problem


A number of Microsoft Azure and Office 365 users were unable to access their accounts for most of the day of November 19. The problem: A multifactor authentication problem that has affected users around the world and prevented them from connecting to their services.


Credit: Microsoft

The Office 365 status page noted that affected users may not be able to log on using multi-factor authentication (two-factor authentication) and reset their self-service passwords.

"A subset of users no longer receives prompts on their mobile devices (SMS, call or push) and (we) study diagnostic logs to understand why," noted the dashboard. # 39; state.

Azure and Office 365 MFA services were assigned at 4:39 UTC, or 4:39 am ET, according to the Office Status page.

The Azure status page indicated that people could have had problems connecting to Azure resources such as Azure Active Directory, when an MFA application was required.

Azure engineers announced today around noon that they had rolled out a fix, but that it took time for it to be applied effectively, especially in Europe. and in the Asia-Pacific region. Engineers reported experiencing a reduction in authentication errors as a result of the hotfix. The patch also informed engineers that certain subsets of customers were not receiving SMS, call, or push invitations for MFA.

"Engineers continue to explore new workflows and the potential impact on customers from other Azure regions in order to fully mitigate this problem," noted the page 's. Azure state.

Beyond these status reports, Microsoft has not shared information about the cause of the MFA service problem today.

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