Microsoft begins to test the fixed update of Windows 10 October 2018


Microsoft has reissued the free Windows 10 October 2018 update to Windows Insiders today. The company has also introduced a new feature in the comment hub that allows testers to give an indication of the severity of a given problem.

Both are a direct response to users reporting that some of their files have been deleted after the update. On Oct. 2, Microsoft released the October 10, 2018, update on October 2, and then stopped rolling out a few days later, after users reported the data loss issue. It was Windows 10 build 17763, which brought Windows 10 to version 1809.

Microsoft announced today that the reported data loss represented "only one hundredth of one percent of the 1809 version installations". The company thinks that it has identified and solved the problem:

This occurs if the known folder redirection (KFR) has already been enabled, but the files remain in the location of the "old" original folder and are not moved to the new redirected location. KFR is the process of redirecting known folders from Windows, including Desktop, Documents, Images, Screenshots, Videos, Film, etc. from the default folder location, c: users username , to a new location. In previous comments of the Windows 10 April 2018 update, KFR users reported an extra, empty copy of known folders on their device. Based on user feedback, we introduced code in the October 2018 update to remove these empty and duplicate folders. This change, combined with another change in the build sequence of the update, resulted in the removal of "old" original folder locations and their contents, leaving only the new "active" folder intact.

Assuming that Windows Insiders gives the green light, Microsoft will republish the Windows 10 October 2018 update and begin rolling out it again. In the meantime, the company apologizes "for any impact that these problems might have on one of our customers" and has stated "determined to learn from this experience and to improve our processes and notification systems to ensure our customers a positive experience with our update process. "

If you think you have been affected by this problem, you can contact Microsoft Technical Support at 1-800-MICROSOFT or search for a local number in your area.

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