Microsoft gaming revenue jumped 44% in the first quarter of 2019


Microsoft released its results for the first quarter of fiscal year 2019 and showed a 44% increase in its gaming revenue compared to the same period of the previous year.

Xbox software and services saw their revenue increase by 36%. Microsoft notes that this is mainly due to third-party support. Microsoft has struggled to develop as many exclusive offers, in terms of quality and quantity, that its rival Sony has with its PlayStation 4. In the latest monthly report of NPD on the best selling games in the States United, Marvel's Spider-Man exclusive PlayStation 4 was at No. 1, while Forza Horizon 4 on Xbox One and PC were coming out at No. 7 (record number for the racing franchise).

Microsoft is bolstering its premiere offerings by acquiring new studios, including developers Forza, PlayGround Games and Hellblade: The developer of Sacena, Senua, Ninja Theory. Microsoft would also be on the verge of buying Obsidian RPG experts.

Gaming services include Xbox Live, which allows players to access online multiplayer games and free games every month, as well as Xbox Games Pass, a subscription that allows owners to download a games library. including new versions, such as Forza Horizon 4.

Computer hardware has grown by a massive 94%. At the same time last year, the Xbox One X was not available yet. It was launched in November 2017. The Xbox One X is a more powerful version of the Xbox One that supports 4K visuals.

The games helped Microsoft generate $ 29.1 billion in overall revenue, up 19 percent from the same period last year. Gaming's 44% growth shows it's one of the best-performing businesses in the quarter for Microsoft.

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