Microsoft Ignite 2018: Windows Virtual Desktop, Office 2019 and all that has just been announced


The Microsoft Ignite Conference, which is being held in Orlando, began this morning with a speech by CEO Satya Nadella, and has published a flood of news related to its IT professionals and companies. CNET is not here, but our partner site, ZDNet – and Microsoft maven Mary Jo Foley – covers the show in depth, all week long.

Here are the highlights of ZDNet so far:

And here more about this Surface Hub upgrade that Microsoft has also planned for 2019.

hub-2 surface-to-from-blog

Changes will happen on Surface Hub 2 in 2019.


You can watch Nadella's speech on YouTube. And stay tuned to ZDNet all week for more information on Ignite.

In the meantime, remember that Microsoft will return to consumer devices next week with a Surface event in New York on October 2nd. We will be there to cover it live. In the meantime, here are all the rumors about what is expected.

Originally released at 8:30 in the morning. Updated with Windows Virtual Desktop news.

This is not your father's Microsoft: How CEO Satya Nadella has changed culture at the largest software company in the world.

Microsoft Surface family: Specifications, features, leaks, price and release date of the rumor.

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