Microsoft Outlook to release heavily anticipated dark mode


Microsoft Outlook will launch "very soon" the highly anticipated dark mode, according to an Outlook commentary forum post by an administrative user.

"We have been working in Dark mode for a few months now and you can expect that in the product soon," said the post. "One of the reasons for this delay is our insistence on providing the best dark mode of any mail client (you'll understand when you see it, I guarantee it)."

Dark mode is an aesthetic choice for many users. also makes night use easier on the eyes because it puts the entire interface in a darker color palette. A kind of color change setting for night use is already available for Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS. Individual Office applications have dark themes available, but this will be the first for Microsoft Outlook.

The messaging and calendaring software performed a dark fashion test last Halloween, with positive feedback from users. We adapted this prototype to launch it in complete dark mode.

"We have redesigned the colors and code a few times and are proud to enter the last stretch," said the forum post from the administrator. "Like you, we are looking forward to the day when it will finally be available to the public, and I am pleased to announce that this day is very soon."

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