Microsoft posts a record $ 29.1 billion in the first quarter. Even old


Microsoft posts a record $ 29.1 billion in the first quarter. Even old

Microsoft has released the first quarter results of its 2019 fiscal year, which runs until September 30, 2018. Revenues were $ 29.1 billion, up 19% year-on-year, setting a new record for the first quarter of the business. Operating income rose 29% to $ 10.0 billion and net income to $ 8.8 billion, up 34%. Earnings per share rose 36% to $ 1.14.

Microsoft currently has three reporting segments: Productivity and Business Processes (covering Office, Exchange, SharePoint, Skype, Dynamics, and LinkedIn), Intelligent Cloud (including Azure, Windows Server, SQL Server, Visual Studio, and Enterprise Services) and Personal Plus. Computing (covering Windows, hardware and Xbox, as well as research and advertising).

Productivity group revenues increased 19% to $ 9.8 billion, with operating profit up 29% to $ 3.9 billion. Commercial and general office sales increased by 17% and 16%, respectively, and Office 365 continues to grow; The number of commercial places has increased by 29% in one year and now has more than 155 million active users per month. There are also 32.5 million subscribers to the general public. This seamless switch to the cloud has resulted in a 12% decrease in perpetually licensed Office revenue. Dynamics revenues increased by 20% and LinkedIn revenues increased by 33%.

The Intelligent Cloud business figure grew 24% to $ 8.6 billion, and operating income 37% to $ 3.0 billion. Azure's business figure rose 76% over the previous year, that of the Server product by 10% and that of the business services by 6%. Enterprise Mobility Suite now has 88 million seats, up 59% from the previous year, and 6 million seats in sequence.

In More Personal Computing, revenues increased 15% to $ 10.8 billion and operating income 23% to $ 3.1 billion. We continue to see the split between growing corporate PC sales and home PC sales, which are not. Windows Pro revenues increased by 8%, while those of non-professionals fell by 5%. Windows cloud services grew 12 percent from a year ago.

Surface to go

Surface revenues increased 14% to $ 1.2 billion in a quarter that saw the launch of a new device, the Surface Go. The game looks strong, with sales up 44 2.8 billion dollars and a total of 57 million active Xbox Live users. Xbox hardware revenue almost doubled, up 94%. This is the product of the Xbox One X's presence on the market and relatively low hardware sales a year ago. Research revenues increased by 17%.

The numbers are growing a bit, but the story remains familiar: cloud services are increasing, local Office customers are adopting Office 365, and the refresh cycle of enterprise computers is boosting some Windows revenue, partially offset by the continued decline of the large PC. public. market. Surface is expected to start reaching new markets with the availability of Surface Go, but so far, the impact on revenue seems limited, leaving Microsoft's hardware division in this strange position: it regularly rubs but remains stuck at about $ 1.1 billion per quarter. , does not change even when Microsoft adds new systems and new prices.

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