Microsoft removes false Bing Google Chrome ad after reports



A Twitter user recently discovered a malicious ad promoting a fictional Google Chrome website on the Microsoft Bing search engine, seen by only a few users before Microsoft deletes them.

According to a report from a Twitter user, Bing allegedly broadcast fake or malicious Google Chrome ads. This ad appeared when the user typed "download Chrome" in the browser's address bar using Bing as the search engine.

In most cases, an ad was redirected to Google's original website, but unfortunately, in rare cases, Bing posted a disguised website to look like Google's.

The fake site does not look like the official Google site, but the ad's URL is and it seems pretty genuine to fool certain people.

Following the user's report on the fake ad, Microsoft quickly removed it from the search engine Bing.

In a tweet, Microsoft's Bing ads team confirmed that malicious advertising had been removed and the company said such reports were taken seriously. "Hello Gabriel, protecting customers from malicious content is a top priority. We removed Bing ads and banned the associated account. We encourage users to continue to report this type of content to [Bing’s report section] so that we can take the appropriate measures, "reads in the tweet.

This is not very serious and it is something that has also affected other technology companies. For example, several fake Chrome Web Store extensions have been released to encourage millions of people to install them.

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