Microsoft Update |


Earlier this month, Microsoft had discontinued the public launch of the latest major update of Windows 10, named Update of October 2018, due to numerous complaints that it was deleting important pieces user files. Microsoft eventually confirmed that the bug affected Windows 10 users who had previously enabled a feature called "Known Folder Redirection."

The Windows 10 October 2018 update is now back for beta testing in Microsoft's Windows Insider program, where testers are still finding new bugs. This means that until all the bugs are resolved and Microsoft judges that the update is appropriate for a new post, most users will remain stuck in the April 2018 update. some time.

But it seems that even the update of April 2018 still has its own set of bugs. Tuesday's Patch version of this month has even triggered the much-feared blue screen of death on some machines due to faulty HP keyboard drivers.

Although Microsoft has already solved this problem with an unplanned fix earlier this month, the company has just released another out-of-band emergency patch to address other quality issues under Windows 10.

There are no security patches this time, but these performance bugs may indeed be revealing.

Microsoft fixes 43 new bugs

Microsoft has recently released a new version (KB44629330) for computers running the Windows 10 update of April 10, 2018 (version 1803).

Although this surprise fix does not bring any new features of the operating system (we will have to wait for the reissue of October 2018 for these), it fixes more bugs and quality issues than the latest Patch Tuesday updates have probably come out.

Several bugs concerning the sound drivers are fixed with the latest version, including the stop of the audio while controlling the computer volume, the use of call control and of Streaming via Bluetooth.

The out-of-band fix also fixes another bug that causes Windows to hang when a paired Bluetooth device is suddenly removed.

Another bug that was fixed prevented scheduled tasks from staying in the queue without running while the user was logged on.

Other quality issues discussed include bugs related to Group Policy Preferences and applications running in the Windows container.

Another interesting solution concerns Venezuela's new currencies due to hyperinflation. If you remember, Venezuela issued a new currency, the "new sovereign bolivar", in August, to deal with the crisis.

Not so fun: A new sovereign bolivar equals about 100,000 old Bolivars.

With the latest version of Windows, the symbol of the Venezuelan currency has been changed, as well as its name in English currency, its name in local currency and its international currency code.

How to update

If you experience some of these quality issues and this affects your work, you may want to apply the hotfix immediately. Here's how:

How to update Windows

Most Windows machines are configured to download and install updates automatically by default. If you have not changed your automatic update settings, everything should be fine.

Here's how to check:

In Windows 10, click Start (Windows logo), choose "Settings", select "Update and Security", then select "Check for Updates" in the "Windows Update" section. (Note: The "Windows Update" section is also useful for displaying updates being downloaded or applied.)

New update of Windows causing problems? Here's how to fix it

Sometimes, Windows updates can cause unforeseen problems. But do not worry, we are here to help you. Here are some ways to fix the update and get your computer up and running again.

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