Motorola and iFixit Join to Sell DIY Phone Repair Kits


Image credit – iFixit

It can be expensive to get a phone from an official repair center, which is why many people turn to unofficial third-party services but generally offer much lower rates. However, if you think you are perfectly capable of repairing your own phone, you may be interested to learn that Motorola and iFixit have teamed up to offer an official repair kit.

This repair kit contains the tools you will need to open your device and its price will vary depending on the problem to be solved. For example, for only 35 USD, you should be able to replace the battery of your Moto X, but this could become more expensive if you plan to repair the screen of your Motorola phone with a price of up to 200 USD.

Will it really cost less than sending it to a third party because different repair shops will charge different fees, but since it's a kit of official repair, know that your spare parts are quiet official, so we assume that this is a way to go about it.

If that sounds good to you, go to the iFixit website to see the different repair kits available for Motorola phones.

Deposit Mobile phones. Learn more about DYI and Motorola.

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