Mysterious and exciting new features of Galaxy Note 9 inclined by the top leaker – BGR


Samsung's latest-generation Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 + are two of the most popular flagship smartphones on the market right now – and yet sales have been a huge disappointment right out of the factory. In fact, things were apparently so bad immediately after the phones were released that their prices were reduced to three major carriers in a month. This is unprecedented for a flagship high-end phone, and all because Samsung has been trying to mimic Apple's old strategy of launching "S" upgrades all of the time. two years.

The Galaxy S9 and S9 + look like the Galaxy S8 and S8 + released in 2017, what Apple had used to do with iPhones. Of course, Samsung has forgotten two key factors in Apple's strategy. First and foremost, Apple has always added exciting and exciting new features to its S updates, while Samsung's S9 duo simply offers performance upgrades. Second, Apple does not have competition. If someone wants a smartphone that runs on iOS, he has to buy an iPhone. If someone wants a smartphone powered by Android, he or she has dozens of good options.

Well, Samsung fans, we have good news and bad news. The bad news is Samsung's next update to Galaxy Note 9 is rumored to be as boring as its Galaxy S9 update. But the good news is that Samsung could offer exciting new features in a key area.

We have heard over and over again over the past few months that the next Galaxy Note 9 announces itself as another disappointing update. We expect the phone to have a design that looks almost exactly like Galaxy Note 8 from last year, which is certainly a bit disturbing. It's a beautiful design, of course, but by reusing the design of the Galaxy S8 on the Galaxy S9, it certainly has not made so many favors.

Beyond that, rumors have suggested that the new 9 note will not really include convincing new features. Instead, it is planned to carry the same specifications and the same new camera found in the Galaxy S9 +. The S9 + is a powerful phone with a great camera, but Samsung fans were hoping for more.

Well, it seems like "more" is exactly what they are going to get.

Weibo and the user of Twitter Ice Universe is known to have leaked accurate information on unreleased smartphones, and it has offered a glimmer of hope to all Samsung fans. Unfortunately, this tag did not offer any concrete details on the future Galaxy Note 9. But Ice Universe did say that the flagship feature of the phone was going to be improved.

"Do you often use SPen for Galaxy Note? The Note9 SPen function is worth the wait," Ice Universe tweeted on sunday. He added: "Galaxy Note9 S Pen is a pen with a soul.This is perhaps the biggest update of the history of the S Pen" in a second tweet.

The tweets are obviously a bit mysterious in that they offer no details. But Ice Universe is convinced that Samsung has an in-store S Pen upgrade for the Galaxy Note 9, and its information is rarely out of reach. The new Galaxy Note 9 is expected to be unveiled in early August, and Samsung is expected to release the flagship phablet before the end of the month.

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