Mythical Games Wins $ 16 Million Driven by Galaxy Digital and Javelin to Create "A New Age of Gamer-owned Games"


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Mythical Games raises $ 16 million from Galaxy Digital, Javelin Venture Partners and other partners to create "a new era of player-owned games"

A gaming company called Mythical games recently completed a Series A investment cycle in which the Company was able to raise more than US $ 16 million from popular venture capital companies such as Galaxy Digital EOS VC Wallpapers, Divergence Digital Currency and Javelin Venture Partners. Other investors included Fenbushi Capital, OKCoin and DDC.

The studio, which is led by game developers from renowned companies such as Activision Blizzard and Yahoo, plans to use blockchain technology to revolutionize the AAA gaming industry.

Mythical games was formed in early 2019 and emerged by receiving a lot of capital. The company plans to create a player-driven economy that will be driven by the sale of blockchain-based assets and assets that include player-created content stored in the blockchain.

John Linden, the CEO of the studio, has already worked at Activision's subsidiary Beachhead Studios, which has participated in one of the latest Call of Duty games, collaborates with CCO Jamie Jackson, who worked in FreeStyle Games and Rudy Koch, senior producer, at Blizzard. The studio will be based in London.

Technology to change the game industry

the main idea is to use the blockchain to develop a technology that can be used in many games, not to develop a single game that will use it. The developers think that this can be potentially very interesting for many different games, because the players will really own the assets and that it can be used in card games, racing games, etc.

The main problem of Mythical Games is that the industry is still very skeptical of the blockchain. Most of the game's players see it as yet another way to set up digital rights management (DRM) platforms, which are very different from the industry.

the studio plans to fully support online and multiplayer games, in which technology can be better used to generate income over time, while giving players total control of their assets.

All investors are very interested in the future of the company. Michael Novogratz, the CEO of Galaxy Digital, said gambling and player interaction with virtual goods and savings would play a huge role in how the masses would discover the true potential of the blockchain.

The investors of Javelin also claimed that they believe that this technology will dominate the games in the future and that the US $ 16 million investment will help companies build their capacity to create truly immersive worlds that will allow players to understand how blockchain technology works and open up a new era of community gaming .

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