NBA 2K19 Career Advice – Guide your player to celebrity


With yet another year of NBA 2K now we go back to the most popular mode of the franchise: My Career.

For years, my career mode has made the NBA 2K Undisputed king of the sports-style franchise, it offers players the opportunity to realize their dream of moving from misery to riches on the road to the NBA superstar.

Always the long, sometimes repetitive grind, My career in the NBA 2K The series continue to evolve from year to year, changing the way a narrative-based story fuels the tendency to become the most dominant and popular player in the league.

By continuing to focus on gameplay and progression, let's take a look at some of the tips needed to help you reach the NBA summit.

nba 2k19 my career advice

For the insiders here, the information in this guide will be familiar to you. However, for newcomers NBA 2K, the creation and progression of the mode can be quite overwhelming, so I hope this guide will guide you through the basics and help you become an NBA superstar.

Although there is normally a steep learning curve with NBA 2K games, my career is fun and forgive enough overtime to allow you to master the experience slowly but surely. Do not be discouraged by poor performance results, because all this only prolongs the inevitable: stay tuned and keep an eye on the end goal.

So, you want to know how to quickly build your MyPlayer up to level 99 and dominate the NBA? Here are a few tips.

| My Player's Creation Tips | Selection of skills and attributes |
| Get a perfect teammate rank |

Tips on creating my player

The trick when creating your player in My Career is not to get bogged down with anything that's on offer, because there's a daunting array of game styles, resources, and skills at your disposal.

In the end, you want to create a well-balanced player that is balanced against what you expect from the position you have chosen.

Above all, create a reader that suits you NBA 2K the style of play is integral, not only so that the mode remains the most pleasant for you, but it encapsulates the best possible NBA 2K to offer

nba 2k19 my career advice

Before going out in The Prelude, decide what type of player you want to be: is the game more appropriate? Distribute and dictate the terms of a match? So, of course, Point Guard (PG) is what you should be looking at.

The SG and SF positions are more appropriate if you want to get away from the ball and shoot the dribble, although both positions require more defensive responsibility and off-ball movement. More difficult positions to play, there is an obligation here to get in a good position for your teammates.

The C and PF positions are different animals.

Hit the boards, set the screens and play D in the pole: ask the ball when you know you have the ability to beat the opponent near the basket.

If you do not master these areas, My Career will not be nice to you.

Primary and Secondary Skills – Why They're Important

Do not let this part of the player creation suit touch you. Ideally, you want to choose two skills that balance your player in a realistic way, based on job expectations.

With a PG, for example, passing and handling the ball as a primary skill increases or decreases the maximum number of attributes for skills more or less related to the skill itself, respectively.

Obviously, the passage is more important than the blocking for a PG. If you absolutely want to go this way, certainly, but no one wants a blocking PG that can not pass. What's the point?

Who do you want to be? What type of player do you want to guide in the ranks? Do you want a defensive scoring center at low post? Or an SG driving and finishing 3 points?

Tips to help you get started

    • Positions have limits for attributes that match job expectations, so beware of this. For example, a PG can not have a perfect dunk rating. So, do not choose a PG if you want to be a short dunker. It will not happen.
    • The shape of the body and the size of your player are essential and correspond again to the expectations and types of players you want to create. You can opt for a small skinny PG, and they will be fast, but they will not be strong or particularly agile. This makes it difficult to defend one, for example, Ben Simmons. The game does a good job of telling you that we are doing well or bad.
    • If you do not have enough time to browse my career, choosing one of the PG, SG or SF options would be the best option for you. This way, you put your hand on the ball, while C and PF both play at the mercy of their guards.
  • If you trust your shot, go for a guard position.

NBA 2K18 Selection of Skills and Attributes

Here are the five attributes you need to focus on for each position and the corresponding style of play (in order of importance).


Passing & Ball Handling

  • Handling of the ball
  • Who passed
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Endurance

3Pt Shooter

  • Medium shot
  • 3 point shot


  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Bounce
  • layups
  • dunks

Driving and finishing

  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • layups
  • dunks
  • Medium shot


Driving and finishing

  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • layups
  • dunks
  • Medium shot

3Pt Shooter

  • Medium shot
  • 3 point shot


  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Bounce
  • layups
  • dunks


  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen



  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen

3Pt Shooter

  • Medium shot
  • 3 point shot

Driving and finishing

  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • layups
  • dunks
  • Medium shot


Driving and finishing

  • Ball Handling & Passing
  • Speed
  • Acceleration
  • layups
  • dunks
  • Medium shot


  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen


  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen


  • tally
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen
  • Bounce



  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen


  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen


  • tally
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Acceleration
  • Speed
  • Lateral speed
  • Vertical
  • blocks
  • Stolen
  • Bounce

Skills will be capped based on the type of primary and secondary skills you choose. The shape of the body also plays an important role in this case, which will have to be designed to meet the specifications of the position and the body that you have created.

Tips to help you get started

    • Ideally, you want to create a balanced and balanced player, focusing on the attributes listed above.
  • Jumping for the guards and bouncing for the attackers is not an absolute necessity. You can develop skills in other areas so that players in this position are reliable in other areas.

Get a perfect teammate score


On the way to NBA celebrity, you will have to start by playing from the first day. However, playing in the gym and choosing the right skills will not be enough to do the job alone. You need to make sure that you get a lot of A + ratings to get through the games and increase rankings as quickly as possible.

Ideally, you want do not try to dominate in the early days. It can be difficult with wanting to be involved in every game, but forcing shots, demanding passes and bad screens will lead to a bad teammate score. You do not want to cause turnover because it's the worst thing for your team to do. If your rating reaches a low range, your venture capital gains will decrease, making it more sensitive.

The most important advice in attack is to take only open blows. Shooting through the traffic or forcing shots on the defenders, especially at the beginning of your player's career, will harm your position with your teammates unless you are miraculously able to shoot.

nba 2k19 my career advice

Strike as often as you can in the gym, practice shooting and discover the ideal location for your player. If you can not hit the back of a bard, do not jump and do not force it. A "bad shot penalty" is the equivalent of my career being sent to League G.

Enter the space by calling up teammates' screens and pretending then passing in front open for an open shot.

Use the best fencers on your team to get a rating for assistance or success. This yields an incredible amount of venture capital. Understand your teammates and know how to use them best. Memorize hot and cold spots on the court and know where your team is thriving.

Do not dribble or force the dribble, because the AI ​​can and will punish you, causing a turnover.

If you make a turnaround, return to the defense as quickly as possible: while you lose the teammate's rating for losing possession, you can (but not all) do so by completing the lane and contesting a quick shot. You want to avoid the double penalty at any price: Turnover, then Revenue Rating.

The screens are also a fantastic way to improve the teammates' score. Press B / Square to set a screen, but make sure that your player's feet are planted and do not move when the opposing player lands there. If you move when it happens, it's an offensive foul. If your team scores a screen that you have set, you get a boost for a good screen and screen help.

Tips to help you get started

  • Do not force your shots
  • Do not over-dribble
  • Enter the space
  • Move the ball
  • Keep moving!
  • Define screens
  • Do not force to cross the traffic
  • Pass the ball and move the ball
  • Use the space


Just like those of NBA 2K series before her, NBA 2K18 is a beast "easy to play, hard to master". This can be a brutal mistress, especially given the speed of the experience.

A good defense is the key to a good teammate score. As long as you defend yourself well, you will not get a penalty: you may get a better score for a good defense and a good shot. As long as you do not give your direct opponent a rider or an open lane to the basket, you should be fine.

nba 2k19 badges

You should also learn how to use Lock Defense, but do not do it too much. This allows you to "stick" to the defender, but this makes you vulnerable to broken ankle and quick orders to the basket. Keep a good distance, but not too far, just close enough to both challenge the ball and go into space if the player drives to the basket. You do not need to jump when you take a shot: if you are close enough when it is locked, your player is automatically satisfied with the shot. Jumping can cause a fault, which will bring you a penalty. If you make a mistake while defending well, generally there is no punishment or reward.

Stay next to your opponent to be between them and the key. Blocking, stealing or defensive blocking is a fantastic way to improve your teammate's score: it's not all about scoring points!

Tips to help you get started

  • Stay awake and beware of opposition screens: be sure to go around them and stick to your reader.
  • AI will always want to create inconsistencies on the ground, so move away from the screen and stay true to your opponent as much as possible.
  • Do not force flights. If the opportunity is there, try once and that's it: Spam the fly button will lead you to a foul and a teammate penalty.
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