NEW Pokemon Meltan | How to Capture in Pokemon Go & Pokemon Let's Go


Meltan is a new species of Pokemon. You can find it in Pokemon Go, and yes, you can also get it in Pokemon Let's Go!

Pokemon: Meltan

The brand new Pokemon Meltan was officially revealed on September 25th. The lower half of Meltan is a silver form of Ditto. His upper half is a metal hexagon with his eye in the middle.

Meltan in Pokemon Go

Meltan initially appeared on Pokemon Go, shortly after the Pokemon Go community day in September. However, once captured, they turned into idem.

It now seems to have been a bit of a tease. At the exit of Pokemon Let's Go, you will be able to capture it in Pokemon Go and use it in Pokemon Let's Go.

How to capture Meltan

Follow these steps to capture Meltan in Pokemon Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee:

  1. First, transfer any Pokémon Pokemon Go Pokémon 1 to Pokemon Let's Go.

  2. This will give you a mystery box.

  3. Use the mystery box of Pokemon Go. The Meltans will appear in the wild, ready to be captured. The mystery box will only stay open for 30 minutes, so be quick!

  4. Transfer Meltan to Pokemon Let's Go and head to the Pokemon Go Park. Your Meltan is available in the Kanto area!

  5. Repeat if you want more from Meltans.

Meltan, the new Pokémon available in Pokemon Go and Pokemon Let's go

Meltan Evolution: Melmetal

Melmetal is considerably superior to Meltan physically. He weighs 1,763.7 pounds and is 8 feet 2 inches tall. We assume that its weight can vary from that though!

This is in comparison to Meltan which is 17.6 pounds and is just 8 inches tall! Melmetal is a Pokémon that has not been seen for 3,000 years, which makes it rather shocking today.

Melmetal is the advanced form of Meltan …

How to evolve Meltan?

Not only Meltan can be caught in Pokemon Go, it can only evolve there too. It will cost you 400 Meltan candies! This process can be speeded up by transferring many Meltan to Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu and Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, however.

You may think that Pokemon coaches would think twice before challenging you in Pokemon Let's go with a Melmetal to your suite, but apparently not!

Pokemon News

For more updates on Meltan, other news from Pokemon Let's Go and everything about Pokemon, follow our Pokemon Twitter page.

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