New Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer features first-person, more open gameplay


The Red Dead Redemption 2 reveals that things are going fast and well before the publication of the book. In September, we finally started playing the game, learned more about the online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 and received confirmation that the game would require a good deal of your disk space. The developer Rockstar Games has released another gameplay trailer to advance the train.

The video, called "Gameplay Video Part 2", shows how the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 allows players to embark on adventures in a way that feels natural to them. These range from major events such as train flying and goal attainment, to small personal moments with gang members or random inhabitants of the world. In the video, we also show how the new Dead Eye system works. Interestingly, the Special Ability now progresses in stages and allows players to draw targets and see critical points, as well as slow down the aim time. We also have a preview of the first-person gameplay.

You'll also find an overview of the personalization and the various smaller activities you can undertake, whether it's dressing, eating, keeping facial hair in check, taking a bath or playing games. games. Of course, you can also duel, go hunting for bonuses – but through all this, your behavior is followed and will have consequences. Check out the gameplay trailer above.

The first gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 made its debut in August and gave an in-depth look at the game. We became more familiar with the very tough American landscape of Red Dead Redemption 2 , with a glimpse of wild swamps, deserts, livestock towns and cities in full transformation. According to Rockstar, players will be able to move seamlessly around these separate areas, and each of them will offer a multitude of missions and activities.

Other key aspects of the game highlighted included your relationships with other members of the Van der Linde gang, how players can interact with characters outside the gang, and horses, who now have a personality and, according to their race, will behave differently.

We have a detailed coverage of the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 since our hands-on experience of the game, which has allowed us to explore some of the many gameplay systems and explore some of the depth we provides the world. We left impressed by the level of detail in the world and discussed it in our preview video. Since the game, Rockstar has released more screenshots and details about game mechanics such as hunting and fishing.

Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released Oct. 26 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be available in a number of special editions and you will get details about them in our Red Dead Redemption pre-order guide. A PS4 Pro pack will also be available.

The online mode of Red Dead Redemption 2, meanwhile, will be launched in beta in November. As with all beta versions, Rockstar has warned players to expect "youth problems" as the mode may not be as easy as it wants to be.

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