New video features of TOO KYO Games Suda 51; Encourages to make crazy games for the whole world


After the beginning of the formation of the new studio TOO KYO Games, a second video was posted by Famitsu with the boss of Grasshopper Manufacture, Goichi "Suda51" Suda.

Suda-san encourages the still-unknown "famous developer" who will lead the new studio to "make incredible and crazy games, not only for Japan but for players around the world".

He also mentions that he encourages it.

This is another indication that the developers appearing in the video are probably not directly involved in TOO KYO games, but that they are probably just friends helping with the creation of the studio.

It will be interesting to see which developers will follow in this video series and who will be the "famous dev". We will know more about this on Tuesday, September 11th, when everything will be revealed during a Tokyo live.

In the meantime, you can watch the video below, waiting for the next one.

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