Next November from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: new characters, story mode and all the news


November Direct from Nintendo is the latest confirmed presentation of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate before the game's launch. The video revealed the latest characters included in the Ultimate core game, while detailing the new story mode, additional features and post-launch content.

Our full coverage of Direct and all that is advertised is shown below. Ultimate is the fifth main game of the Super Smash Bros. franchise, incorporating each character seen in the series so far and adding a few. Although most proven formulas of Super Smash Bros. are back in this latest version, Ultimate makes some changes. The selection of the stage now takes place before the players choose their fighters, for example. In addition, some characters, such as Dark Pit and Daisy, have been turned into Echo Fighters, which means they look like a character, but some attributes like speed or attack damage have been slightly changed.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be launched on December 7th for Nintendo Switch. The game also features an Ultimate Special Edition – comes with a steel case and Switch Pro controller in Super Smash Bros. style. – available for pre-order.

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Final Two new launch characters

During the Live, Nintendo announced the last two fighters who will be in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at launch – Ken and Incineroar. This completes the starting list of playable Ultimate characters at 74.

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Ken is a hunter of his rival Street Fighter Ryu. Its default appearance is its Super Street Fighter II Turbo look. Although his attacks are similar to those of Ryu, Ken is a bit faster, has a different form Hadoken and uses two different Final Smash.

Incineroar is the final evolution of Pokemon Sun / Moon's lighter, Litten. In Pokemon, Incineroar is a type of fire and dark, but his appearance is based on that of a wrestler. As such, in Ultimate, Incineroar attacks with a burst of punches and powerful jets, which are either bathed in flames or dark energy. His final Smash, Max Malicious Moonsault, is a variant of his Z-move from Pokemon Sun / Moon.

Story mode

The Ultimate Story mode calls World of Light. It is played as a board game, where landing on certain spaces triggers an event that takes you to another area or a battle. World of Light begins with the whole list of fighters fighting a new, unknown threat. However, every fighter – with the exception of Kirby – is easily defeated. Now, Kirby must find and save his friends to resume the fight. The story incorporates a spoken dialogue and anime soundtrack.

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Spirits fashion

The Spirits mode is a new addition to the Super Smash Bros. franchise. The mode allows players to equip unique "spirits" to enhance their chosen fighters.

Each fighter can equip a primary mind to increase specific stats. Supporting spirits can be assigned to primaries to account for any weaknesses. Each spirit is proposed in one of four rarities – novice, advanced, ace and legend – and is one of three types: attack, seizure and shield. The attacking spirits are the best against Grab, while Grab defeats Shield, and Shield defeats Attack.

Post-launch character

Nintendo also announced the first post-launch fighter to come to Ultimate. Piranha Plant will be available for download around February 2019. The character is free and will automatically download if you choose to purchase the digital version of Ultimate before January 31st. If you purchase the physical version, you will need to register online by January 31 and go to My Nintendo Rewards to get the character for free.

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Additional DLC

Nintendo has promised that more fighters, stages and tracks will be available as post-launch downloadable content. Five packs are currently programmed, each including a fighter, a stage and some musical tracks. Each pack will cost $ 6, but you can also buy a $ 25 Pass Fighters that includes everything.

The Fighters Pass will also include a Rex-based outfit – Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – for your Mii fighters. Nintendo is still developing all the fighters included in the Fighters Pass. As a result, players can expect that each pack of downloadable content will spill over in 2019. Piranha Plant is not part of one of the five downloadable content packs or the Fighters Pass, but it will eventually become sold as than downloadable content if you do not download it until it is free.

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